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Appendix To ADAM II - Disciple: Bartholomew/Nathanael
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Bartholomew is not a given first name, but a distinguishing second. Bar (son), Tholomew, or Tolmai, therefore, Son of Tolmai.
He is presumed to be Nathanael (meaning, “God hath given”), a native of Cana of Galilee ( Jn.21:2). Philip brought Nathanael to Jesus (Jn.1:43-51), and in the lists of the 12, Philip and Bartholomew always appear together. Nathanael is also listed with the disciples at Jesus' Galilean appearance. ( Jn.21:2)
Appears only as Nathanael in John, and Bartholomew in all other locations: Mt.10:3; Mk.3:18; Lk.6:14; & Acts 1:13.
Nothing is known of Bartholomew in the New Testament. Only his name is given.
Assuming he was Nathanael, John gives some insight into his character:
  »  Due to his own indication of his knowledge of Bible prophecy, we can assume he gave much time to Scriptural study. ( Jn.1:45,46)

»  By his position when Philip found him ( Jn.1:48) we can assume he gave much editation and prayer. The fig tree was known as a private place for this type of activity. Usually found by the entrances of homes, their low hanging branches provided both shade and privacy for this endeavor (Barclay, p. 110).

»  Jesus' own testimony to his character: "no guile," or deceit, or evil intention in him whatsoever! ( Jn.1:47)
Some believe him to be the unnamed disciple on the road to Emmaus ( Lk.24:13). Because of the comparison of Jn.1:51 & Acts 7:56, others identify him as Stephen. All of this, of course, mere speculation.
He was the first to call Jesus King. ( Jn.1:49)
Tradition links him to the lineage of Absalom, David's son (Jerome, early historian). He is said to have preached in: India and Phrygia, where Philip (his friend) was martyred in Hierapolis; also in Armenia where he is noted as the father of the Armenian Church.
The extra-Biblical writing, The Gospel Of Bartholomew, has some very interesting details regarding his life.
His martyrdom (crucifixion after being beaten) is said to have occurred at Albana (now Derbend).
