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ADAMII - John: Chapter 4:43-5:47
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Study #5
Jesus Responds to Faith
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Miracle In Absentia
Miracle Of Controversy

John Chapter 4:43-5:47


Chapter One
John has introduced Jesus as the Eternal Creative Logos (Word) made Flesh and witnessed living among the human race, ready to receive those who will come to Him to be made sons of God.
He is the Light of the world, the Baptist but a lamp. His Light cannot be extinguished, no matter the degree of darkness (evil) of man.
Unrepentant man cannot inherit God's kingdom.
This Light will draw and Jesus will reveal Himself only to those who will receive Him, those whose hearts are without deceit. These have been identified and chosen aforetime by the Father. It is a mutual choice made by both God and man.
Chapter Two
Jesus has all authority over both His natural and supernatural worlds.
His Power is capable of changing life (the material and spiritual) as we know it.
His Father's Will takes precedence over any man's will, personal desires, and selfish needs.
Chapter Three
John introduces the Truth that everyone, all men, live in darkness (evil), even the most righteous of any day, as illustrated by Nicodemus.
He states clearly that Jesus is the Light, the only hope for man's state of darkness.
Jesus speaks the Gospel in its simplest terms to all mankind: "Ye must be born again."
Unregenerate man cannot perceive or receive the kingdom of God.
God condemns no one. It is ones own choice to remain in self-imposed condemnation that will eventually end in final and eternal separation from God. Without His presence there is no light. That resultant state, then, can only be utter darkness.
Chapter 4:1-42
John presents the opposite extreme representative of man in darkness, the adulterous Samaritan woman.
Jesus plainly and effectively demonstrates the presentation of His Gospel to the individual, showing that the unrepentant and unregenerate one cannot inherit the kingdom.
In this encounter, John reveals Jesus as the Eternal Source of God's Living Water.

In Ch. 1, the Eternal Word and Light is revealed;
In Ch. 2, His Authority is stated and demonstrated;
In Ch. 3, His Gospel (God's Plan) is made known; and
In Ch. 4, it is illustrated with the sinful Samaritan woman.

John has used Nicodemus and the sinful woman to identify the extremes of all mankind's spiritual condition: the most self-righteous and the most overtly sinful. All others will fall between these, thus encompassing everyone.

Now, in Chapter 4:43-54, the essential element necessary for this rebirth is introduced in detail: FAITH. Jesus will not reject anyone who seeks Him in faith, no matter how small it may be, or their motive for coming, just as long as that one believes in Him is the solution for which they look. The writer of Hebrews puts it like this: "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
This faith will be recognized by Jesus, whether the one comes to Him personally (as John will demonstrate by the noble man's miracle), or Jesus goes to him in an act of unsolicited kindness (John will demonstrate by the lame man's miracle). To each, He will respond with mercy. The key in both is how men will respond to Jesus when they hear of Him, whether they have known of Him for some time or only at the moment of first hearing. When He is recognized for who He is, and a desire develops that demonstrates an unreserved willingness to accept His terms, anyone may receive both Him and His subsequent blessings. To some, this comes upon hearing, to others, years of familiarity are difficult to penetrate, but it remains possible if the heart is willing. So dear friend, if you know of Him and have not yet received Him, then guard your heart, for the longer you wait and the more familiar you become of Him without receiving Him, the greater danger you invite to yourself of becoming like His hometown acquaintances, or earthly brothers.

I Sam. 16:7

And so, Jesus will be seen receiving some, who may not always be man's obvious choice; he looks upon the outward while Jesus looks on the inward. Yet on the other hand, He will reject others who may appear outwardly to be worthy of the kingdom, as with the example of the rich young ruler who Jesus would have received, but because his material goods had too large a place in his heart, leaving no room for Jesus, turned and went away sad at the unacceptable cost of entering the kingdom. The price is the same for any receiving Jesus; He will not compromise. One must give his all, no matter how great or small it may be. Jesus says this is the very reason it is difficult for the rich to enter His kingdom.


Acts 1:14

Having performed many miracles while in Jerusalem at the Passover, Jesus has returned through Samaria to Cana of Galilee, the sight of His first miracle. By His statement of 4:44, one might assume that He had a desire to stop over in His hometown of Nazareth which lay only four miles southwest of Cana (and would have been on His way from Samaria). But because He knew the hearts of His hometown acquaintances, and a degree of their familiarity with Him likely reducing their appreciation and respect for His calling beyond the carpenter's shop, there would be few who would view Him with an eye and heart of faith. Therefore, due to their own insensitivity to Him, they would not reap the fortunes of His fruit. How sad! Is it not true still today? Those who know us on more intimate terms in daily discourse fail to appreciate the value of our lives, only to be awed over total strangers who appear only momentarily upon the scene. Even Jesus' own earthly brothers did not believe in Him until after His resurrection. So take heart dejected and discouraged one, for Jesus has walked in your footsteps. Join hearts with Him and let His heal yours, for He overcame being rejected by His own, and comes to you who are hurting as He hurt to say: "Be of good cheer, for I have overcome."
It is not known whether He revisited the scene of that last act, but in all likelihood since the area was small and His fame has spread, the recipients of it were delighted to see Him. Apparently He was there long enough for word to reach Capernaum and draw this noble man (an official of King Herod) to His presence for a mission of mercy. Capernaum was only a seven hour journey (15 miles) to the northeast. It lay on the extreme northwest shore of Galilee.

After the fame of this miracle reaches Nazareth, He will go there to test them and reap those He can. But their hearts are deceitful, prejudiced toward those outsiders who have already benefited from His work, while feeling He has slighted His own. They will demand He do the same for them, to which terms and demands Christ cannot and will not respond. Enraged with jealousy, and likely intending that no one will have Him if they can't, they will make an attempt on His life. But He will escape them; His time is not yet.

He will return to Galilee, this time to Capernaum, the home of this noble man He has previously provided a personal blessing. Although it is not recorded, as with the fortunate one of Cana, it is not far-fetched to think that a lodging invitation may have been extended to Jesus and His accompanying six disciples; this man and his household were now disciples. If so, one can only imagine the scene of welcome and gratitude received here in contrast to His most recent hostile treatment in His own hometown!

A point that should not go unnoticed here before we begin, unlike others of renown who requested Jesus' personal appearance, this one of high social standing did not send a servant with his invitation and plea. This is not to say that the others' hearts and faith was any less, for indeed they were not, as Jesus recognized on one specific occasion. But this one came personally; and Jesus treats and responds uniquely to each. Consequently, there is no formula to obtain His attention, but faith -- simple childlike Faith. Again, space does not permit the truths seen in this that reflect more than this man's attitude toward Jesus, his mission, his own son, and his station in life; so suffice it to say, it was indicative of his humble heart and childlike faith.

Continued on next page
