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ADAMII - John: Chapter Ten
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Study #10
Jesus, The Good Shepherd
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The Shepherd's Identification
The Shepherd's Call

John Chapter 10


After employing the well-known parable of the sheep that should make it very clear to the Jews, but unfortunately fails to do so, Jesus continues His discourse as before (vs.1) with "VERILY, VERILY." He will make several bold statements concerning Himself and the kingdom that will make plain the meaning of the parable for the one desiring to enter His kingdom, but will inflame those set against Him who refuse to hear and see. In this passage, we have a beautiful and instructive portrait of the believer and his or her relationship with the Father. It is rich in allegory, symbols, truths, insights, and meanings.

To list only a few:
His declaration of the way being singular.
His identification of Himself as being that Door, the only door.
His boldness in His assertion.
His call rings clear with truth.
His sheep will not listen to another.
His provisions are abundant and eternal.
vs.11,14 pointer
His watchcare over His sheep is relentless.
vs.12,13 pointer
His trust is reliable in times of trial.
His love is unconditional and sacrificial.
His fold is many, and in Him, all are united.
Study Isa.40:11; ch.49; & Ez.34:22-31.
Jesus is focusing His teaching on the centrality of His Gospel ("I AM THE WAY" -- the only way), leading up to His declaration of 10:7. This will be so stated to Thomas in just a few months ( 14:6).
Their law, their traditions, their rituals, nor their bloodline are sufficient for entry into the kingdom and access to the Father. This will challenge the two main pillars for their perceived already secured position in the kingdom:
a.   Abraham's blood lineage, and
b.   The law of Moses.
They had failed to see that these were never intended to be the door to the Father, but as guides to the Door who would come at some point in time, as both Abraham and Moses saw and believed.
Jesus makes it plain that any other way than Himself into the kingdom would be nothing short of fraud! This message (Jesus as the only Way to the One True God) has been objected to and rejected by many who still find this God and His Son false and offensive in today's multicultural pluralistic society.
But as with these intellectual ones of Jesus' day, their failure to see makes it no less true. It is interesting to see how unbelievers dismiss out of hand the overwhelming empirical evidence to Christ, yet offer (when any attempt is made) such unbelievable transparent theories in rebuff.
Permit here a point that needs made in our day, and listen for one moment if you will: There are many things in life I personally have not seen, but because of the credibility of those who have, I believe they exist -- without question. There are times that I even make elaborate plans and expend significant monies to journey to such sights, or experience such truths. It never enters my mind as I am preparing for this experience the possibility of the untruthfulness of their testimony and non-existence of their claims. Must I do any less for a Truth that is eternally important for my soul? I think not!

So, when someone asks me why I believe Jesus was real and was who He claimed to be and did the things said of Him, I answer in a very practical way: Because my father believed, and told me so, and his father believed, and told him so, and his father believed, and told him so, and so on, until through time the father is reached who was there and witnessed first hand the reality of these claims, AND HE BELIEVED. And as my father would not lie to me, neither did any of these have reason!

No, I do not have evidence that all my fathers by blood to the time of Jesus were believers, but I do have evidence that all the Jewish fathers by blood had a father who was present at Sinai (even the handmaidens) and experienced what no other generation has experienced since, and who to this day, several millennia later, remain among us living proof of that Transcendent Presence. Their witness, those whom God has preserved by blood and as a race to this day, is proof enough for me of the Gospel Message of the Old Testament -- that man, like Abraham, is to live unto this God by faith.

(Why do you think evil ones have attempted to erase them in every generation, and whose existence at this moment hangs upon a tiny thread of security attached to God's watchful Hand the object their present faith still fixed upon? God said He would preserve a remnant to the end of time, and He is!) And one of these Jewish fathers (and Mothers) who was well respected among their own, who had a reputation as my own father beyond reproach, raised a Son who excelled as no other; and there was not found in Him one shred of deceit that would imply in the slightest that His character was any less than Holy. Even today's Jews look upon this Jesus as a great Holy man and teacher of His times.

In case you have not gotten my point yet, let me put it another way. That Jewish father at Sinai was not a liar. That Jewish father at Jesus' birth was not a liar, and did not raise a liar. That Jewish father who was a member of this Council, who took Jesus from the Cross and laid Him within the tomb, was not a liar. Mary at the tomb was not a liar. That Jewish father (Stephen) who permitted himself to be stoned by this very Council rather than deny the Truth, was not a liar. And my father was not a liar. As he believed the continuity of the witnesses of the fathers to the day of the Cross, and beyond, I believe! But, as with all who clearly are in the wrong, who stand alone in their error, it is easier for them to continue claiming the preposterous and point a finger at the masses around them who do believe than to deny their arrogant pride that keeps them from simply admitting that they are wrong! But, for me, they have the right to make that choice when confronted with the Truth. As did these blind Jews of Jesus' day.

II Th.2:9-12
So, to reject this Truth, as taught by Jesus Himself, and verified by countless others, is to reject Him. Think of this the next time you plan a trip to a place you have never seen, but have only heard about, or to attend an event or enjoy an experience told you by others. Why do you suppose the one, without effort, is so easily believable, yet this point of eternal importance is beyond many's acceptance? Only in the latter does one's soul hang in the balance. And it has been Satan's objective from the beginning to call God a liar, and all His witnesses, thus preventing the Light of His Truth from entering the eye of one's soul for this eternal experience.
Think about it.

Continued on next page
