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ADAMII - John: Chapter Ten
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Study #10
Jesus, The Good Shepherd
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John Chapter 10


Notice the Pharisees' response to Jesus' last statement ( vs.30-31). Their inward condition is revealed by their public reaction. Instead of being led into faith by His works and words, they are offended. As has been seen with every example of one's faith to date, the 3-fold progression into faith is key to anyone believing:

1.  To believe on His Works, which
2.  Confirm His Words, which
3.  Confirm Him.

Watch for these at work all throughout His Word.

The chasm between Christ and His conspirators is forever widening in their confrontations. Theirs is a clash of wills that will continue until all the ingredients are in place for Jesus to submit, as Isaac, for His Father's sacrifice. He will do this for the Father, and man. He cannot back down and the Pharisees will not give in. A miracle never before performed has now been proven beyond any doubt, so much so even these Pharisees could not refute it; but it is not sufficient for them. What more can He do? He began by changing the water into wine and has progressed to this undeniable sign. What ultimate act remains greater than this to dispel all of man's arguments for disbelief? The Sadducees hold one. For this purpose comes Lazarus, the 7th and final sign, before He will allow them their way with Him.
