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New Testament Summary
II Thessalonians Summary

S U M M A R Y   O F   II   T H E S S A L O N I A N S


(A.D.52?) [Still in Corinth with Silas and Timothy on his Second Missionary Journey, Paul's written response to the report of Thessalonica's reaction to his first letter sent a few months prior. Apparently it was favorably received but failed to accomplish completely its intended purposes. Questions still remained concerning Christ's return, and as it seems by his instructions, impurity within its membership and persecutions from without still persisted. Whereas his previous letter dealt primarily with Christ's coming and the saved, he now deals with His return and the wicked.] Again he commends them for their exemplary faith and growth in Christ amid persecutions. God will take vengeance upon those who have persecuted His body when He appears. His judgment will be swift, sure, just, thorough, permanent, powerful, and horrific. None will escape it. His body will glory in His appearing, admiring His righteousness at last perfected in His saints. Paul prays they will endure to share in that glory of the Lord Jesus Christ at His coming.

Though the truth of His sudden appearing should cause all to live expectantly daily, it should not blind any to a false one who will appear before the Lord returns. This, he had told them personally while with them. The unseen diabolical elements are already in motion that will channel men's hearts to accept this evil one when he appears, elevating him to such pride that he will sit upon the Messiah's throne for all to bow before him -- evil personified. The (Holy Spirit?) is all that prevents this from rushing to its fulfillment at present. In due time, He will be withdrawn in His restraint of men's hearts and the world, with the resultant vacuum being filled with the power of Satan, exposing him to the world -- vulnerable finally for everyone to see. Christ, then, will return, consuming him in the brilliance of His appearing, including all the unrighteous and their unrighteousness because they preferred a lie to the Truth! Therefore, be careful that you not be deceived also in the lie of the deceiver who will slip in among us. Remain rooted in the faith of the doctrines you received wherein you were once called. His prayer for them is that they be comforted by Christ and established in all His teachings and its resultant works.
Paul closes with his request for their prayers for his liberty in the gospel among those not of the faith who would oppose and oppress it. He assures them of the Lord's faithfulness as the Good Shepherd in watching over His own ( Jn.10:27-29; 17:20-24; I Pe.2:25); so they should be patient in waiting for His appearing, conducting themselves orderly before the world that no reproach be brought upon the witness of His body. Those among them who would withdraw from the affairs of life, busying themselves with the affairs of others in preparation for Christ's immediate return, living at other's expense, warn them. Moreover, if need be to bring them to their senses, separate from them; be careful, however, to treat them as the brother they are. Paul closes with his own signature.