In His Presence

Prayer Meditation 15
When Praying, Remember: With God There Is No Time. So, It Is Not So Much The Quantity (Length And Number Over A Duration Of Time) Of Prayer He Seeks, As It Is The Quality (Indicated By Faith) At Each Time!

The head can think of things for hours to pray, but the heart can speak a volume in but a moment, when spoken with the spark of the soul ignited by His Spirit. So be careful to avoid lengthy lists in approaching prayer, for they will drain the soul of its burden for the individual request. The list then becomes the burden to the petitioner rather than the specific item of concern. No wonder few desire to bend the knee in prayer—once a privilege—now a dreaded duty! So, make time each day to steal away, a moment here and a moment there, to lay before the Lord that individual burden in prayer. Treat each message someone has requested you to give to the Father on their behalf as top secret from the enemy who would prevent it reaching its destination through your prayer!

Each Request, Individual and Confidential, Attached With Appropriate Burden Propelling It Secretly and Securely To Its Heavenly Destination!
"Father, help me to focus my heart in this moment on the message I bring to you in secret, surrounded in Faith, to adequately relay its heartfelt meaning."