In His Presence

Prayer Meditation 18
When Praying, Do Not See God As Being Afar.

The ascent in prayer is merely the climb from flesh to spirit where He is ever present. God is Spirit and you can only come to Him in your spirit. (John 4:24; Rom.8:1-27) Therefore, to abide in His presence is to perpetually walk in the spirit and not your flesh. And a key way of knowing if you are so doing is to constantly be aware of His abiding presence, to sense His permanent nearness, to see Him in all things, whether it be in the silent fall of an autumn leaf, or the roar of a rocket in liftoff, journeying beyond the far reaches of eye and space. He is omnipresent! A forever friend. One who never leaves your side nor departs your heart. Once indwelling, forever faithful. The same each forever day as it passes. So, remember, He is so close you can never escape His presence, or have a thought He does not hear. Get used to it, and acknowledge He is always there! (Ps.139:7-18)

To Walk With A Friend Day After Day And Ignore His Presence With Our Silence. We Do No Less When We Fail To Pray! Ignored By Our Ignorance, Slighted By Our Insensitivity.
"Father, remind me, if I should forget, of your constant presence. And teach me to aknowledge you in all my thoughts and ways that I may ever be thankful for each thoughtful thing you do." (II Co.10:2-5)