Think On This
The Rational Bible: Deuteronomy - Dennis Prager, Apologist for Perversion
Dennis Prager, Apologist for Perversion
Adam2.Org - Updated October 13, 2022 — Humans, By Nature, Are Sexual Creatures. To Deny That Is To Deny The Fundamental Force Of Procreation As Ordained By God In Genesis One. When I read Prager I expect to hear something intellectual, Biblical, spiritual and or practical in nature. So, when I came across his latest musings naturally the title intrigued me (click the image above). After all, this has been a topic once much discussed in the religious world, one often provoking strong emotions and opinions, usually without altering any one's preconceived beliefs. In this article there is none of that—a total waste of my time and one that could be very confusing to the new or unstudied believer. His view of God's command concerning cross-dressing is stale, to put it mildly. In addition, his choice of this Old Testament law to be a vehicle by which to smear in our faces a repugnant sexual perversion is more than disappointing. It is down-right offensive—offensive to both the natural and spiritual man. Besides, it is a bad, very bad, misinterpretation of scripture. I take great offense and could not object more to his conviction: "The Torah is not necessarily addressing individuals who identify as, live as, dress as, take the name of, and appear to others as a member of the opposite sex to which they were born—because such an individual is not publicly blurring the distinction between male and female." In the Bible text he cites, there are no qualifications for the act of one sex dressing in the garments of the other, none! The Bible is very clear. A man is forbidden to wear the dress of the woman and conversely the woman is forbidden to wear the clothes of a man. Period! To do so is abhorrent to God and puts the individual at enmity with Him. The act of violating this commandment is in itself disobedient to God regardless of the person's motives for doing so. Somehow, I think Prager knows this but, like many, tries to support his personal view of transgenderism with scripture when scripture won't support it. There is no gray area here, not with God, no possibility of confusing what He spoke and commands. When God commanded His creatures in Genesis 1 to be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth, not only did they seek out through an inherent knowledge their own specie to mate, they also knew to seek out the opposite in sex of that specie as they had been created—each after their kind. When man became so unholy in Noah's day, God commanded him to bring into the ark 2 of every kind from the living creatures—male and female! No 50+ genders here, human or animal. No. All that were permitted entry to the ark was Noah and his wife, his 3 sons and their wives— 2 sexes, male and female. That was it! All else is a blasphemous concoction of a perverted mind for devious purposes. So, to state it plainly, the actions of the individuals who are confused as to their sex, or dissatisfied with it, as defined by Prager, are more akin to the actions described in Romans 1:17-32 rather than Deuteronomy 22:5. The individuals Prager elevates to our consciences for compassion are neither worthy of such sentiment nor to be made to believe we stand for it at all. To pervert the biological order and its distinction created by God is an abomination to Him. It should violate our spiritual senses and be abhorrent as well. A word of encouragement is required here. Those infants born with any part of the reproductive organs of the opposite sex is an anomaly in nature and should be corrected at birth after determative tests for the sex, including the biological genetics of the child. For those whose parents, for whatever reason, fail to have done and the child is allowed to develop emotionally confused as to their sexual identity and which they are to pursue for a healthy life, both physically and emotionally, the situation becomes complicated beyond their wisdom. Professional help is required. Not only should they seek counsel from their pediatrician, but it is of greater importance they seek biblical counseling from a called minister of the Gospel who is well studied and has a godly wisdom on how to handle such a delicate condition. There is a way. And parents, the child will thank you when they assume responsibility for their own life as an adult. For those individuals nothing was ever done to correct this physical condition, there is help. Please seek out a called man of God first before even seeing a physician or deciding on your own your course of correction. You are not equipped to handle this alone. Statistics and horror stories of many bear this out. Pray and ask God for guidance. He will not forsake you. If you are wondering whether individuals such as yourself are capable of being included in Christ's kingdom, stop! I say unequivocally, YES you are! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. God is your only judge in such a serious and eternal matter. As a side note, I was greatly disappointed to discover in the revelations of Prager's beliefs views that had no foundation in the Bible. Whether written by himself or another, by the sheer fact that statements on the back cover of the commentary on Deuteronomy demonstrate a shallow and profound ignorance of Biblical doctrine and teachings. I encourage you to read it.
Why Does the Bible Say 'Neither Sex May Wear the Clothing of the Other Sex'? - by Dennis Prager

- Author: Ken Livingston
- Monday, June 20, 2020

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