Think On This
Evangelism Explosion Study of American Christians' Openness to Talking about Faith
Evangelism Explosion Study of American Christians'
Openness to Talking about Faith
Paul, in writing to the church at Thessalonica, exhorted the Christians concerning the imminent return of Christ that they "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;" - II Thessalonians 2:3. In my opinion, the greatest enemy of the church down through the centuries has not been persecution for the church has never thrived more than in those times. The greatest enemy to the church we have experienced in western civilization has been complacency. It is no different now than it was in olden times with the worship of the Hebrews in the land of "milk and honey." Nothing drives one to God greater than personal affliction and nothing leads one away from Him greater than good times. We have had it good in America, especially post-WWII. Nothing has exposed this complacency better than the last 2 years of government tyranny. The abominable things they have inflicted upon us, our nation and our children would never have happened, say, in the aftermath of WWII. After fighting a world war to preserve our nation and our cherished freedoms, this tyranny would have been met with the fury of the returning patriots from that bloody conflict. Bible in U.S. flag As we have prospered in these times of industrial and technological advancement like no other time in the history of man, we have allowed those discoveries and developments that have made our daily lives more convenient and comfortable to erode our vigilance to preserve and protect those things important to a prospering moral and civil society. Indeed, America, like Canaan, has been a "land flowing with milk and honey." Unfortunately, Christians have not been immune to this creeping enemy growing within every facet of our interests, including worship and sharing our faith. This study done by Lifeway in April, 2022—with a +3% margin of error—reflects what we see within our community. Our boldness has been weakened and we cower in the face of government tyranny and a scourge of political correctness, or in more modern terms, wokeness. Never is this more evident than what is happening in our military. Members are no longer permitted to share their faith amongst those they serve alongside. Doing so will warrant a court martial with the possibility of discharge, or worse, imprisonment. Having been successful with the military in quelling religious liberty, the first amendment itself is now openly under assault and language deemed offensive or undesirable is becoming illegal with threat of severe punishment. A minister of the gospel is in danger of arrest if violating these new codified assaults on free speech. Dare preach against homosexuality and see what happens. Sunday Wordhip So, here we are. The world our fathers strived and sacrificed to leave us is in its final stages of dismantlement as we have stood by for decades and done nothing—or very little. The greatest victory of America's enemy has been their silencing of the Christian faith. Is it any wonder the polls are reflecting this sad state of both our country and the great religious communities that once were its treasure, moral compass and counselor? Is there any doubt there is a current great "falling away" from the practice of our faith? Then, can there be any doubt the atmosphere of spiritual weakness and complacency is producing the environment where the "man of sin" will step from the shadows of which he has been hiding and reveal himself to the world? As our text above indicates, because of our alarming degree of complacency, we have entered a period of "falling away" and it is now time to pray for mercy and prepare— prepare for the soon approaching day the man of sin will be revealed and the glorious appearing of our Lord. The stage has been set for both to occur, first, the man of sin to be revealed, then, second, the predicted return of Jesus. Just how long we will have to suffer under the foot of the man of sin is anyone's guess. Jesus warned us of this time with His parable of the 10 virgins. We would do well to examine it seriously.

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