Think On This
The Final Election The Final Election The Final Election The Final Election
  • Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. - Isaiah 43:10

As American citizens, every four years we are faced with a consequential election. Too many times I have heard over my many years that the most current one will be the "most important" to date. That may be true. However, in my opinion those we faced many years ago were basically just a choice of the flip side of the same coin, as colloquially expressed. However, this current one is one that stands in stark contrast to those in previous decades.

In elections decades ago, what was at stake were basically political differences—domestic and foreign. There wasn't a seismic shift in governing until our elected representatives began subtlety legislating morality and venturing outside our Constitution where our founding fathers had no intent for them to go. Unconstitutional Supreme Court decisions were handed down. God and prayer were removed from our public freedoms. Without authority, they redefined marriage. The murder of innocent babies was legalized. Social programs began to spring up, demanding more and more of our hard earned tax money, expanding its share of the national budget, so much so that it now consumes more than half.

These fundamental changes to our culture deeply developed and expanded, dividing us along many hot-button issues. I believe now, after looking back on this, this was all by design and not accidental. Now, the Federal government is involved in almost every aspect of our lives. With every piece of legislation passed and regulation signed, more and more of our freedoms have been lost. Our country is hardly recognizable anymore.

We now have multiple generations of citizens who do not even know our history and its heroic struggle for freedom and equality under our Constitution. Once we expected a higher degree of citizenship from those born here and from those who immigrated. We also expected from our legal immigrants their assimilation into our culture and civic way of life—to be identified and recognizable as "Americans", not just hyphenated Americans.

Senator Rand Paul & wife attacked America has slowly been divided into enclaves of immigrants and "hoods" of natural born, many who rule their streets with total disregard for the dignity of life of its many law-abiding citizens. On a daily basis, the young are struck down in a hail of bullets. Police are fearful even to enter these large numbers of areas where "in name only" citizens live—natural born and immigrant alike. They know nothing of our history, our Constitution and our aspirations of a better future for all. As a result, today, even our representatives are afraid to venture outside their homes for fear of being accosted by criminal "citizens" with the intent to do them harm. The images we see of lawful citizens being brutally attacked on a daily basis is sickening to those who love America and work for her better good. We are more armed and fearful now than in any previous generation I have lived. What a travesty!

To be objective, enough time has passed for one to reflect back on the origin and history of this great tragedy to see it really had its roots in this emerging new generation of citizens' failure to recognize and give God His rightful place in our prosperous nation. Once, churches were central in a community's well-being. It gave its neighborhoods a sense and reality of "community." Now governors and local God-less officials deem by edict their being "non-essential" and even "ban" their very existence! Is it any wonder we wade so deeply in this moral decay in our culture and society today?

I've said all this to say this, look back at the Bible verse quoted at the outset. Notice the stark contrast of what I just described about our elections and changing course for the worse of the "next four years" as they have been and perceive to come. With man, life is totally uncertain. Fear for the future exists in every election. Some even trade in this fear just to gain and keep power. With God, life is certain. It is guaranteed to be the same—unchanging. That life is clearly defined within His letter to us as one of great joy and happiness, one where no liars, murderers, corrupt politicians and ego-maniacal tyrants who wish to rule the world and threaten its very existence in the process will ever be allowed to enter (Revelation 21:27; 22:14-15).

Think about that. No new "God" will come on the scene every four years offering a "new" way of governing and "better" way of life. No, God has allowed man to run his course in ideas of governing. He has utterly failed. Soon, very soon, He is about to interject Himself His final time into man's history—this time to show us how He intended us to be self-governed under His Sovereignty from the very beginning (He never intended His chosen nation, Israel, to have a king, to bring us His Sovereign form of government. - I Samuel 8; 12:17)

When Christ returns, He will rule the world for one thousand years—a thousand years of peace (Revelation 20). After that, He will judge all those who rejected Him in previous lifetimes and execute their punishment—an everlasting punishment, one of no escape, of no chance for redemption. None who did not choose Him will be allowed to enter into the eternal existence in His new World, a world He will recreate for only those who have allowed Him to replace their corrupt heart and mind with the heart and mind of His loving Son (II Corinthians 5:17; Philippians 2:5). No police will be necessary in the new coming world.

New world

So, if you want to live in a world where there is no police nor politics, nor politicians, a time where no fear of what the "next four years" may bring, you have the choice now to become one of its new citizens. Imagine an eternity living in a neighborhood dominated by fear—not my idea of Heaven, nor God's!

No, you can't immigrate there once it has been created. You have to be a "natural" born citizen now. That birth can only occur, just as your previous, by God's action alone—a rebirth of a new nature within, a spiritual birth here and now. It will be too late to apply once it arrives—and its coming soon.

I don't know about you, but I already have my new birth certificate—date stamped, sealed by his print of blood on it and my name recorded in His book of new life and citizenship of that new world. I look forward to that "time" when I won't have to worry about a "new choice" of leadership every four years. Nope, I'll be just fine with the same "One" forever. Now, who wouldn't want that in contrast to the uncertainty of what we now have? You?

No fears of an attempted coup, no fears of an attempted impeachment, no fears of an overthrow, and, no new elections. Won't that be great?

Yes, this upcoming election in November will be historic. The false choice of the once political two-sided coin no longer exists. America's future is clearly defined by two very distinct political parties. It is the choice between the tyranny we now live under enacted and controlled by an evil faction that has gain a foothold in every level of our institutions—our schools, businesses, banking, government, etc., even our churches, and one that seeks to lift up every individual and their freedom guaranteed under our Constitution. There exists a yearning citizenry that wishes to tear off the masks of tyranny from our faces and come together once again—embrace one another no matter our station in life.

Regardless of the choice we make in November, eventually our way of government and life will fail. God is patient. His world/kingdom awaits. He can afford all the "time" in the world.

There is, therefore, a possibility of reprieve for our country before its final judgment just like He has judged every nation and form of government before ours that fell into decadence, corruption and Godlessness. That is our current choice. But there is a greater choice to be made, not only by Americans, but by every living soul around the globe, a choice that will determine their own future, a future that offers a place of endless peace and joy. If you will, it may be called The Final Election. It is one where not only He chooses us for His citizens in His new world and one where we must choose Him in order to be born into it. There is no other alternative, no other way of entry. It is the only possible choice to make it out of this world alive (John 6:37; 10:7-10).

So, as you consider how you will choose in this next election, consider how you will choose in The Final Election, the most important election of your life. It is a choice that guarantees there will be no more upheavals in government nor heads of State. It is promised: "...before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me."

- Author: Ken Livingston
- Thursday, September 3, 2020

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Please read: Your Plan And Decision For Life.

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