Obadiah Summary



(587 B.C.?) [Obadiah's vision. Edom's judgment, Esau's land, brother to Jacob (Israel). She had aligned with every nation who had advanced on Judah, even with Babylon in Jerusalem's fall of 609 B.C. His message likely came at this time.] Though made small among the heathens, yet proud of heart, self-exalted. God will bring them down. Their high places will not save them.
Eight indictments are leveled against her for mistreatment of their brother, Judah, in his day of judgment:

(1)  They went out to see his fall.
(2)  They rejoiced as they observed.
(3)  They gloated with mocking derision in his destruction.
(4)  They joined with his enemies as they entered his gates.
(5)  They looked at his wounds from within.
(6)  They absconded his treasures without mercy and compassion.
(7)  They blocked the paths of his fugitives, killing those they could.
(8)  They returned the survivors to his enemies.

God's judgment is near to the heathens alike. As they have done to Judah, it shall be done to them! Jerusalem will rise again in glory, but Esau will forever vanish from the Earth. Esau will be stubble to Jacob's fire (Israel) when she rises to possess all her land. God's kingdom will emanate from Mt. Zion.


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