Part I: American Patriots Will Have A Very Tough Row To Hoe, And Armed Conflict May Be Closer Than I Thought

...I consider myself an American Patriot who is really concerned about the future of our country. This survey is for you, not me, to better understand how your value system fits in with today's American society. Are some of the values currently on display in America really your values? - Steve Rossiter

Survey: How Does Your Value System Fits In With Today's American Society

Clarify your position about America today...

Yes No
1. Do you believe America is a nation founded on evil principals(sic)?
2. Do you believe America has now become an evil nation?
3. Do you believe the 63 million plus abortions in America since 1973 are a good thing?
4. Do you approve of American tax payers being forced to fund abortions all over the world?
5. Do you believe there is systemic racism in America in spite of the fact that there are and have been so many people of color in high offices nationwide including President?
6. Are you OK with race issues being used as a weapon?
7. Have you examined the Black Lives Matter website and do you support BLM ideals?
8. Do you believe that America's law enforcement system is racist?
9. Do you believe less law enforcement would be good for America?
10. Do you believe God should be eliminated from our culture?
11. Do you believe Judeo-Christian values should be abandoned as guiding principles in American law and culture?
12. Do you believe that First Amendment free speech rights should be limited by government?
13. Do you believe that First Amendment free speech rights should be limited by corporations?
14. Do you believe that the "cancel culture" in America is the right thing to do?
15. Do you believe people should be canceled for something they might have said decades ago?
16. Do you believe books should be banned?
17. Do you believe American history should be banned simply because someone thinks it doesn't meet today's standards?
18. Do you believe denying American history is a positive?
19. Do you believe big government can spend your money better than you can?
20. Do you believe your life will be better if you surrender more control of your life to the government?
21. Do you believe schools should put more emphasis social justice, equality, race and gender studies than teaching the young life skills and how to earn a living?
22. Do you believe the main stream media is reporting everything accurately?
23. Do you believe the Hunter Biden stories have been misrepresented by the alternate media?
24. Do you believe America is a bad and dangerous influence on the world?
25. Do you believe it is time to radically change America forever?
26. Do you believe the recently passed 1.9 trillion dollar COVID Relief Bill is good in spite of the fact that less than 10% of it is actually designated for COVID relief?


If you answered Yes to most of these questions and voted for President Biden and other Democrats, it is what it is.
If you answered No to most of these questions and voted Democrat, your values and moral standards are in conflict with the goals of the Marxists Democrats.
Can you live with the consequences of that?