Demons In Humans
Demons In Humans
Demons In Humans
It's time someone said it. Having observed Joe Biden on the many reported occasions of him showing his undaunted obsession with children—the younger the more excited he acts—sniffing and kissing(licking) them, he is lustfully drawn to them like a moth to a flame, flat out, demonic behavior. I don't mean descriptively, I mean possessively. These are clear indications of demonic possession. He literally can not help himself.
This is their nature.
Therefore, this is meant for a warning. No loving parent should ever allow their children within miles of this type individual or behavior. They are in serious harms way, if not then, then later—at a time more secretive and possessive. Seriously, keep your children close. Learn to look for the signs.
We're sure this father meant well. After all, he is the President, right? No! No he is not. He is what you see—demon and deception on full display. Open your eyes. As Jesus said, people fail to see because they don't open their eyes to see. Unfortunately, tragedies have a way of doing that, albeit too late. Don't let that be you. Protect those you love from evil.
In the days ahead, I'm afraid this is going to become more common the closer we get to the end. Jesus forewarned us it would be as it was in the days of Noe when the whole earth was filled with evil and demonic manifestations. Look around you. See if you don't see what I see—the clear evidence they are legion among us. (Study the lessons of Lot, in particular the behavior of the men of Sodom—just as it was with Noe and just as it is now with us.)
One last point I want to make here. Paul warned us there would come a time in the end the restrainer of sin (the Holy Spirit) would be removed and men would then do without compunction the evil in their heart (II Thessalonians 2:7). We are seeing it. Never before since the days of Noe has the whole earth been so infected with evil and demonic activity as now. Jesus can't be far behind. Think on this. How many days were there between His departure 2,000 years ago and the advent of the Holy Spirit? Let me put it like this. There was then a period of time between the departure of one and the advent of the other. God said Himself, My spirit shall not always strive with man... (Genesis 6:3)
- Author: Ken Livingston
- Wednesday, September 15, 2021
See also: Abdicating the Kingdom.