Steve Rossiter recently posted Part I of a two part writing for in which he challenges Americans to examine their position and thinking about the current Democrat Marxist seizure of the United States. In doing so, he crafts a number of questions for a personal survey to understand one's own position on this crucial hostile takeover. Rossiter states the objective for his survey as follows: "The answers to these questions are for you to clarify your position about America today. Your answers are none of my business. It's your honest assessment of your views that is important."
Regardless of the position you identify with in the survey, it is beneficial to have a clear personal understanding of something that will fundamentally and monumentally transform America—forever. Politicians used to campaign on which candidate would ensure an America that would be better for future Americans. "Our children and grandchildren", they would say. We no longer hear that promise or assurance of a better tommorrow. As Joe Biden warned us on the campaign trail of 2020: "We're about to go into a dark winter. A dark winter" His tone seemed to indicate more than the seasonal winter that was approaching. We now know that to be true because there is no defined end of the nightmare they inflicted upon us one year ago.
Surveys now show that most Americans don't believe there is a brighter tomorrow. "Just 37% of Americans believe that today's children will grow up to be better off financially than their parents," the Pew Research Center found in 2017. It will be very interesting to see the results if another is being taken in today's radically changing political climate.
Hopefully, in taking this short survey it will cause us to think of the psychological impact this is having on today's generation of children. Think of their despair, their sense of hopelessness, futility and impact on their self-worth. Imagine what a, say, 9 year old might be thinking about their future. As adults, we can say pretty dismal. They have already endured hell for a critical year of their childhoold. Where can they go to get that back?
Maybe, just maybe, this survey might cause some of us to think about what we are doing to our country—our children. Rather than working from the position we've taken as seen in this survey, trying to divide us along every line of distinction, a lot just made up out of thin air, we might resist that temptation and redouble our efforts to try once again to leave a country for our children and grandchildren that would ensure they have it better than we did. Everything doesn't have to be about us. Why not for them? What world do you want to leave them, one of enslavement or one of freedom? That is the choice that faces us and there is little time to decide.
Below is Steve Rossiter's article with snipets for context prior to and after his survey.
If you answered Yes to most of these questions and voted
for President Biden and other Democrats, it is what it is.
If you answered No to most of these questions and voted
Democrat, your values and moral standards are in conflict with the goals of the Marxists Democrats.
Can you live with the consequences of that?