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Each of these tests consists of 50 Multiple Choice, True/False, and Fill-in-the-Blank questions. You may choose to take all 50 at one time or select from the pull down menu a number from 10 to 40. If you select less than 50, you will be given the opportunity upon completion to go again with the same number but different questions will be selected at random. Answers will be tabulated automatically when you finish, returning your number attempted, number correct, and percentage. To begin, select a test you want to take, choose your options, and complete the form.

As a guage to your knowledge, it is recommended to take these tests prior to engaging in this study. After you have read and familiarized yourself with each section of this study in John's gospel, return to its corresponding test below to see how much knowledge you may have gained in the process.
Adam II Tests
B i b l e   T e s t s
Level:  Advanced
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Introduction: Adam II: Guide for the Walk Home
50 QUESTIONS - Introduction to Book Adam II: Guide for the Walk Home, covering the 4 Major Jewish Groups and Gnosticism.


Study #s 1-12: Adam II: Guide for the Walk Home
50 QUESTIONS - Individual test for chapter study #s 1 through 12, covering John, chapters 1-12.


Study #s 13-23: Adam II: Guide for the Walk Home
50 QUESTIONS - Individual test for chapter study #s 13 through 23, covering John, chapters 13-21.


Appendix: Adam II: Guide for the Walk Home
50 QUESTIONS - Test covering topics listed in the Appendix.

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