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Adam2.orgI am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. - John 15:5

Adam2.orgAnd the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. - Mark 4:35 may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. - Psalms 30:5b is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. - Matthew 7:14 the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. - Genesis 1:2b

Adam2.orgThe Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. - Psalms 23:1-2
A Personal Message
Conservative News Links
"The Speech"

Delivered in 1964 in support of Sen Barry Goldwater for President

It is said by many, even Reagan himself, this speech defined Reagan's future political career, identifying him as a serious voice to be heard. He euphemistically referred to this speech as "The Speech", indicating his recognition of it being a turning point in his life's beliefs that would later guide him in his endeavors. It is a speech that resounds in our generation today. Listen carefully, then, read the article at right, "Who Will Say "No More" to the Current Madness?", by Victor Davis Hansen.
A Time for Choosing Speech, October 27, 1964
- Ronald Reagan
The Worldview Dilemma of American Parents
Shocking Finding: Two-thirds (67%) of pre-teen parents claim to be Christian, but only 2% of all pre-teen parents actually possess a biblical worldview...
Decline in Religious Affiliation Continues at Rapid Pace
American Values Personal Survey

Poll: American Majority Wants Congress to Pass Pro-Life Protections

Downward Trend Who Say Same-Sex Relations Morally Acceptable

Satan, The Father Of Lies
Battle For America's Soul
Ligonier Ministries' Biennial Study
The State Of American Theology
Take the Survey
Perceptions about Biblical Worldview and Its Application
Among the Shocking findings are -
1. "31% of adults say it is very important for their religious faith to influence every dimension of their life."
2. "49% accept reincarnation as a possibility after they die."
Pew Research Poll on Worship
Faith on the Hill
Just one question: If, if this is true then why do our politicians and those who do their bidding in the media possess the spirit of antichrist—an anti-Christian spirit that treats others with such hostility, disrespect and mean-spirited? Why is the state of our country so godless and in an advanced state of decay and decline? Something is grossly immoral and amiss! hr
Consider this from 3 of our founding fathers:
  1. Benjamin Franklin - Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.
  2. Jedidiah Morse - Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government - and all blessings which flow from them - must fall with them.
  3. John Adams - Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

This may help to answer some of your questions as to our current national state of affairs. The honest student of history knows this to be true. Also read:
View Previous Reports:
Religious Freedom 2021 Report
Lifeway Research - Evangelism 2022
Lifeway Research - Evangelism 2022


The Future Of Urban Consumption In A 1.5°c World
Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the "C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group," which has an "ambitious target" by the year 2030 of '0 kg [of] meat consumption," "0 kg [of] dairy consumption," "3 new clothing items per person per year," "0 private vehicles" owned, and "1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person."
This is designed to: 1) destroy the cohesiveness of societies thus making them much easier to control, and 2) reduce the world population by 90+ per cent. Read their Agenda 2030 Plan, in their own words. Most people still don't know how much more, much more, their lives are going to drastically change in the next 6+ yrs.
The Future Of Urban Consumption In A 1.5°C World President Obama's Commitment to Global Development - Published: September 27, 2015
Who Will Say No More to the Current Madness?
American Churches Are Eerily Silent When the Country Needs Them Most
We Must Pivot or Perish
Here are two key videos that represent the pivotal time the world finds itself in once again in the course of human history. Jesus warned us the time before His return would be as it was in the days of Noah, before the first cataclysmic event of the flood. It was a time of such evil only one man and his household acknowledged God in all his ways. To the intellectually honest person one has to admit God is rapidly being driven from the ways of men once again. How far down this path we have strayed is mere speculation but if Biblical history teaches us anything the teachings found in Paul's writing to the Romans who had become so decadent and godless must be carefully considered as a warning to us today. It would be wise for one to read this Biblical red flag before it is too late for us. (Romans 1)
To Donald J. Trump and all who aspire to lead as long as you surround yourselves with and support those such as below our country will never heal. There must be a clean break with those who are corrupt and speak from the deceit of their hearts. No longer are they cloaked in the collective darkness of their deeds (John 3:19-21). The people finally see. Now we must act if we are to live free, not as our lustful hearts' desire but as a Godly people once again. As Christians we are compelled to stop cowering before this godless generation and live boldly in our faith in Him.

There was a time not too long ago when being a "statesman" was an aspirational goal for those who sought to lead. It was a time when, if the course of events led us to the dark boundaries of fair play and common Godly sense in our public affairs, a single voice from one well-suited to speak would rise above the clamor of all and do so with an authority that would bring us together for the good of the nation. We would be led away from such threatening times. In this late hour, from France, the world has its first. It awaits for the next.

Lead Column

World Darkness Let The Church Stand Up For America

In light of current world events, I was asked recently to comment on what seems to be an ever-growing darkness in so many areas of our lives today. This is a brief excerpt of those thoughts.

If one has lived long enough, we remember days of our past when the events of the world did not encroach and embed itself into our lives with the alarming number, regularity and intensity it seems today. We enjoyed days, if not weeks or months, without waking to a new or ongoing crisis that captured our attention. Our activities were not overshadowed with the pall of today that seems never-ending, provoking such anxiety we see and hear throughout our society. We awoke in our mornings to the peaceful hopes and expectations of continuing to pursue our happiness in the course we were making for our lives, satisfaction that came from all levels and stages of our progress in life. Occasionally, if we had heard from someone during the day of a newsworthy event, we might find the time from our busy lives to tune in at the end of the day to the news to see firsthand additional details that aroused our attention. We might even discuss it with others for a short time before moving on to other more personal priorities—job success, family events, community involvement, church and recreational activities, etc. Those things that divide us today along so many lines were not exacerbated by politicians seeking votes, certainly not to the extent we were less civil to each other as today. For most of us, life had yet to become a "game" with clearly defined sides in vehement opposition to one another. Labels were something on a product we purchased. Many of us did recognize moral and legitimate social injustices and worked cooperatively toward ending those divisions that prevented the fulfillment of the dreams of our forefathers, dreams we share in becoming one within a nation that values the rights of individuals without abolishing those of others. Our desire was that all would be given the opportunity to achieve their God-given potential. We understood there was much work to be done, not only in our own personal lives, but within our society. We elected representatives to see to the matters of government that we could not ourselves. We trusted them for the greater priorities of our nation and not to intrude upon our liberties promised within our constitution, especially infringement upon our religious freedoms and conscience. Our constitution was a contract we all understood to mean the church was not the government nor the government the church, taking to itself matters of social, moral and religious duties that have long been the calling and mission of the church, proselytizing from it through programs to obtain votes to grow it in competition and final defeat of it, using taxes gained at the point of the gun in contrast to tithes and offerings freely given to the local church. How is the church expected to compete with that system? To this point, we have abrogated our place in our society today. Somewhere along the way we went astray. National security and greater injustices of our time gave way to more petty personal grievances and social programs, so much so that the rights of many are being taken away in lieu of the offended feelings of one—a lesser group over the majority. The good causes of many seem to have been coopted by the selfish desires of a few. It seems those whose rights are favored are those whose voices can be magnified the greatest while the majority are suppressed in fearful silence. Logic appears turned upon its head—reason and common sense discarded upon the heap of the unpopularity of truth. And its shadow grows.
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Book: Adam2

Guide For The Walk Home

The following is taken from the Book, Adam2: A Guide For The Walk Home, written by our founder. It is A Commentary On The Gospel Of John, complete with a background look at the contemporary Jewish groups active in Jesus' day. It includes a summary of each chapter, a redacted study of each disciple, a brief study of Gnosticism of the time, pertinent timelines, and much more. Each chapter of study includes extensive Biblical references to the notes on the chapter.

A chronological excerpt of each section will be posted here at the beginning of each month. You can access free of charge at any time a complete online digital version for your further study. In addition, a link will be provided to purchase the book on CD to install on your own computer for convenience of study and print. All we ask is that you observe the stated copyrights as with any book you buy over the counter, limiting your print to only one hard copy for your own personal use. If further hard copies are necessary, please contact us for an additional nominal fee. Thank you for your interest in this study. Our hope and prayer is that through the work of the Holy Spirit as you study you will be blessed by it, and if so, recommend it to a friend.

Let us look this month at the group: Essenes from the book: Adam2.

  1. Amidst the backdrop of the events, times, and people of our previous discussion arose the Essenes. Is it any wonder, then, that during such a period of political and religious uncertainty and curtain of cultural clashes, would arise a group who would separate from such a fragmented society? However, the precise origins of the Essenes are about as obscure as that of the Pharisees. It is believed by most scholars that these ultra-separatists broke away from the prevailing religio-political practices of Judaism in the Maccabean era, forming small colonies, or cells, throughout the region, and in some cases, isolated communes. Very little was known of these purists Josephus so highly regarded until the discoveries of the Dead Sea scrolls in 1947 and later excavations of the Qumran community located in close proximity. This community, or commune of a monastic sect located at the northwest shore of the Dead Sea, between Jerusalem to the northwest and En-gedi to the south, has since been believed by most to be that of the Essenes themselves. If so, then, the numerous documents discovered there shed a wealth of information on their doctrines, beliefs, practices, nature, and lifestyles. Although in none of those documents is a self-described reference to the name we are most familiar, as with our Christian ascription ( Acts 11:26; 26:28), it may very well have been one assigned by outsiders. If so, as with our New Testament documents that are absent of such Christian self-designations, it is quite natural that these are as well.
  2. The etymology of the name assigned this group has been the source of debate for centuries, with still no clear consensus on the matter. Because our space is limited, it is recommended the reader examine the studies of Marcel Simon, professor at the University of Strasbourg in France, for his scholarly examination of the many possible roots of this name. For our purposes, we will simply say in agreement with his findings, that it most likely came from the transliteration of the Hebrew word, hasid, coming from the Aramaic, hasya in the singular, or hasen in the plural, which at its core means, "a pious one." If Philo (Hellenist Jewish philosopher in Alexandria, Egypt, 30 B.C.-A.D. 45) is correct in his assessment of the Greek, Essaioi, which could itself be a transliteration from the Hebrew, hasaim, then another characteristic meaning is seen—"the silent ones."
  3. As mentioned above, unlike the previous groups studied, neither the name nor an example can be identified within our New Testament. Because of his ascetic wilderness lifestyle (who also, like the Essenes, is never reported frequenting the Temple in Jerusalem), some believe that John the Baptist was a member of this sect. He is also connected with a disciple named Banus, to whom Josephus confesses to having spent some time with in his teens while examining each of the Jewish sects before deciding with which to align. This is one explanation for Josephus' high regard, that reflected in his writings, for the Jewish Christian sect developing in Judaism (and in particular for Christ - Antiq. 18.3.3, p. 379). Although there is irrefutable evidence of their existence prior to and during the time of Christ (Josephus numbers them at 4000, - Antiq. 18.1.5, p. 377), no one really knows why, unlike the other major groups previously studied, they are not there mentioned. Some have offered their exhaustive theories, the most common being: their chosen separation from the Temple life at Jerusalem and their lack of contact with others outside their own communes. It should be mentioned here in support of this theory, there are several other Jewish sects we have chosen not to study that were viable at the time of Christ that also are not mentioned in our New Testament writings. Nevertheless, for the reasons that will be obvious to the reader as this study unfolds, we have chosen to include only the Essenes.
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Think On This

America: Secular State or Christian Nation?
America: Secular State or Christian Nation?

In recent years we have heard much discussion as to the collective religious nature of our country, with even our top elected officials declaring as though with pride America is not a Christian nation. Many so called scholars and pundunts argue we never were founded upon Christian principles—God forbid, the Bible and its judicial applications for us found in the Ten Commandments. Yet at the same time they argue we are not, they are organized in eliminating any and all references to Biblical and Christian precepts and practices originating from its principles—ironic, if not flat out hypocritical, declaring on the one hand something untrue while on the other acknowledging by their intense actions for eliminating and banning the very thing they say isn't so!

It is plain to the novice student of American history, if they possess a sliver of intellectual integrity, the most obvious facts found on record from our early beginnings. Today's liberal secularist would have us think Christianity is a modern movement to take over our government, hailing its beginnings with the emergence of the Religious Right when many Christians coalesced to become politically active a few decades back. They ignore a voluminous record found within the archives of our country's preserved documents, many on record in our Library of Congress. As you read, you will hear today's Supreme Court's deafening silence when they rule on any modern case regarding our Constitution's interpretation and the intent of our Constitional founders. So, for the record, just what did our founders have to say about Judeo-Christian teachings and practice regarding our government and civil way of life...

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Bible Summaries

Proverbs Chapter Summary

The following is taken from the Book of Old Testament Summaries.

  1. (977 B.C.?) Words of (Solomon?), son of David, king of Jerusalem, concerning the vanity of the life and labor of man under the sun. It seems that everything is in a cycle; man is born and dies and another generation comes while the Earth remains. The sun rises and sets; the wind goes and comes again; the rivers fill the sea, but it is never full. Nothing is new and we forget quickly what was before. God has given every man the troublesome task to seek the end of all things through wisdom (that he might find rest for his soul in God). Every work under the sun is vain and does not give this rest to the spirit of man. (Nothing under the sun can quench a longing spirit. For what it yearns can only be found in the bosom of its Creator.) The more knowledge one has the more sorrowful he becomes. Solomon knows this by his own search for it.
  2. He first searches satisfaction in pleasure, then laughter, mirth, and wine, all to no avail. Next he turns to acquisitions of great houses, gardens, pools, servants, cattle, gold, silver, treasures of kings (harem), singers, and musicians. He obtained all his heart's desire, and looking upon it, declared it to be vanity, without profit to man. All done after this, would only be anticlimactic (vs.12). But he learned several lessons: Wisdom excels folly; A wise man has light, the fool darkness; One thing is common: both the wise and fool perish alike. The wise is remembered no more, as the fool, therefore, it was vain to get wisdom. Thus knowing this, he abhors life and its labor; for the next generation will receive its benefits, not him, unknowing whether he will be a fool or wise as he. This is a great evil: that another should possess and enjoy the fruits of his labor. With great despair he finds no rest for his heart, concluding then there is nothing better for man to do than eat, drink, and enjoy himself of the good of his labor: for God gives such to the wise, but to the sinner He gives sorrow. Still, all is vain and troubles the spirit.
  3. He proceeds to list 14 pairs of dichotomous purposes which have their own time under the heaven:
    Born and die.
    Embrace and refrain.
    Plant and pluck up.
    Get and lose.
    Kill and heal.
    Keep and castaway.
    Break down and build up.
    Rend and sew.
    Weep and laugh.
    Silence and speak.
    Mourn and dance.
    Love and hate.
    Castaway stones and gather.
    War and Peace.
    He has seen these tasks given by God, each appearing beautiful in its own time. Man's heart is filled with these worldly things that hide God and His works from him. Man derives no lasting good from these, only in doing good. God's gift is to enjoy the fruit of one's own labor. God's work is supreme and eternal. All of man's work is temporal and can add nothing to it. All men are alike. Sin is universal. The wise has iniquity as the fool, and all will one day be judged alike. Man is no better than the beast: for God's breath is in both; and when He withdraws it they both will perish. So, one should be content in his own portion for now, not being able to see what will come after him.
  4. He now considers the oppressed who have no comforter. The dead and unborn are in a better state than these. He also sees every man's work is envied by another. This is vain. It is better to be satisfied with what one has, however small, than to trouble one's spirit with great worldly care, or working just to gain more. He now compares the state of the single laborer to that of partnership; there is strength in numbers. The poor but wise is better than a foolish king. Observing the march of man through time, he sees that each generation forgets the previous.
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Today's Bible Verse Previous Articles
The Catching Away of the Saints

Pastor James McConnell

An ancient message to a Godless world.
WEF Official Calls for AI to Re-Write the Bible 'Correctly'

"In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct … just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI. That could be a reality in a few years," states WEF advisor Yuval Noah Harari, "a homosexual, Israeli author and historian who holds mostly to atheistic beliefs in spirituality," -
To The Visitor
Who Is Broken & Searching...

Take a quiet moment and listen...

To the cast down and disheartened, stop and remember the joy of the beginning of your new birth. Remember, there is no battle you face that He has not already fought and overcome. The victory is yours. Embrace it.
Featured Sermon
W.A.Criswell-FBC Dallas,Tx
The Ark of Hope - 3/3/1946
Criswell Sermon Library Genesis 6:14: But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord ... And God said unto Noah ... Make thee an ark of gopher wood.
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How many wills does God have? - RC Sproul
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In His Presence In His Presence
Prayer Meditation #16
When Praying, Do Not See Time And Eternity, Earth And Heaven, Being Divided By So Great A Chasm That Cannot Be Bridged By The Holy Spirit Who Lives Within The Heart Ready To Make Intercession For The Sincere Believer!...
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The Day Of His AppearingThe Day Of His Appearing
Malachi 3:2
His first coming was without external pomp or show of power, and yet in truth there were few who could abide its testing might. Herod and all Jerusalem with him were stirred at the news of the wondrous birth...
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Was America Founded As A Christian Nation? Was America Founded As A Christian Nation?
There are many today who would doubt or deny that this is true. There has even been an attempt to cover up and, in some cases, to destroy the legacy of Christian thinking that has gone into the formation of our republic...
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Proofs of Growth in Grace Proofs of Growth in Grace
Heb. 10:22-24
1. More implicit and thorough trust in God.
2. If you are weaned from the world.
3. Fewer reluctant feelings when called to exercise self-denial...
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How The Megachurch
Destroyed Christianity

The consequences of the magnitude of such a broad scale world-wide implementation of a "new church model" cannot be ignored. It must be examined by the serious Bible student and Christian! It must be looked at in light of Bible prophecy. We must heed the warnings of both Jesus' own words when He walked the earth and those inspired by the Holy Spirit written later for our advantage in alertness of end-time events and trends. Not to do so would be perilous. So, I have prayerfully written 5 articles on this demonic phenonemonen with hopes they will help you to understand how serious this modern attack is on the true church of Christ - Articles on the Modern Church.
America in Distress
America in Distress Recently, I read an article asking the question: Is Violent Revolution Inevitable?. The author ponders the conundrum faced by every American in today's state of affairs.

All too often we hear at this stage of corporate-medical tyranny that "now is not the time for violence" although many of us have experienced just that. We can't turn on the news without seeing some anti-American wielding a bat or gun at a patriot who fears to even defend him or herself. Still we are spat on, cursed at, defamed, kicked, censored, silenced and even arrested and imprisoned. Businesses won't let us enter to buy unless we're wearing their cultic mask. There are so few of us who refuse... Keep reading...
Where are you going in life?
Religion and the Founding of America
Missing Kids
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Rev. Martin
Lancashire,United Kingdom