I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. - John 15:5
And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. - Mark 4:35
...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. - Psalms 30:5b
...strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. - Matthew 7:14
...And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. - Genesis 1:2b
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. - Psalms 23:1-2
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About Us ▼
Adam2.org was established by our founder, Ken Livingston, in July 1999.
Having grown into an international organization consisting of thousands of members and visitors from over 50
countries, we are not affiliated with any group,
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If you aren't sure what your state of life will be when this one is over, we encourage you to seriously
consider this while you have opportunity. Nothing in this life you will do will be as important!
Likely, you have made every preparation for your present life.
You owe it to your self to prepare for what comes next. It won't cost you a thing! Continue reading...►
Excerpts From Studies' Area ▼
Excerpt from: In His Presence.
"A self surrendered in the silence of His presence is a soul at peace in Him who reclaimed it! The earth and its burdens no
longer bind you and you are free to walk the stars, revel in His glory, bathed in His love. Time affects only the earthly,
but your spirit is free to soar the heavenlies -- and the hours pass quickly, while In His Presence!
To journey where no mortal may go: This Is Prayer!"
Excerpt from: Proofs of Growing In Grace. 1. Less temptation to focus on troubles or talk about them to others... 2. Less temptation to resent and retaliate when insulted or abused... 3. Joy under crosses, disappointment, and severe pain...
Each month a featured writing from different authors will be posted below as a main feature in our center section.
The nature of these writings will vary from devotional, to inspirational, topical and informative for the current
state of our Christian culture. You may access this full feature with the link below. ▼
Opportunities for Service ▼
Each day a host of members and visitors from around the world visit our site and use our online resources, all at no cost. We plan to continue doing so. As we have grown, so too have our needs. We would like to extend an invitation for you to become an integral part of our efforts in helping others. Read more... ►
For those who would like to contribute to our Online ministry, we welcome your donation. Some of you have been looking for a way to give towards an international effort in helping others. Your contribution will not only go a long way in meeting our current and future challenges in maintaining and improving our capacity to aid others, but will place you within His channel of blessing to you for having done so. Your bread upon the waters will not go unnoticed by Him (Hebrews 6:10). Read more... ►
Shocking Finding: Two-thirds (67%) of pre-teen parents claim to be Christian, but only 2% of all pre-teen parents actually possess a biblical worldview...
American Values Personal Survey
Poll: American Majority Wants Congress to Pass Pro-Life Protections
Downward Trend Who Say Same-Sex Relations Morally Acceptable
Satan, The Father Of Lies
Battle For America's Soul
Ligonier Ministries' Biennial Study of The State Of American Theology
Among the Shocking findings are -
1. "31% of adults say it is very important for their religious faith to influence every dimension of their life."
2. "49% accept reincarnation as a possibility after they die."
Just one question: If, if this is true then why do our politicians and those who do their bidding in the media possess the spirit of antichrist—an anti-Christian spirit that treats others with such hostility, disrespect and mean-spirited? Why is the state of our country so godless and in an advanced state of decay and decline?
Something is grossly immoral and amiss!
Consider this from 3 of our founding fathers:
Benjamin Franklin - Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.
Jedidiah Morse - Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government - and all blessings which flow from them - must fall with them.
John Adams - Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
This may help to answer some of your questions as to our current national state of affairs. The honest student of history knows this to be true. Also read:
Sometimes in life the choice between two paths seems almost indistinguishable. It may not be one of your doing but there it is anyway. You may wonder how it came about but wonder as you may it's not going away. You may think because it is not too distinguishable it is of little consequence so your choice is not really going to impact you in the short-term—and you hope in the long term.
The day has come we are faced with such a choice. It is not one of our doing but we all have to make it. But before you do, I ask this one simple question for serious consideration: If you consented to wear the government's and businesses' mask today will you wear their mark tomorrow? For that day surely is coming—sooner than you think. They know the more we go along with the false and illegal choices forced upon us the easier in time it becomes. They've done their studies. It has all been war-gamed out by them. Look it up. (Start with just these 3: 1.2001 - Dark Winter, conducted by Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies, in collaboration with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Analytic Services Institute for Homeland Security, and the Oklahoma National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism, 2.2019 - Event 201, conducted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation & 3.Urban Outbreak 2019, conducted by the Naval War College and some 50+ "experts".)
First, they asked you to wear the mask and many thought, "oh well, it's no big deal; besides, they said it was only for a short time." But it's been well over a year and still over 90% of the population is wearing them even though the overwhelming science has shown that it doesn't provide any benefit. To the contrary, they insomuch admit it but they say, "wear it anyway!" With no pun intended, now they rub it in your face to say just one mask isn't enough. You must wear two, even three, four, and Lord Fauci is saying: well, maybe five might not hurt. Just recently, a study was done of children's masks and what they found when microscopically examined is enough to scare any parent into burning them, immediately—or should.
I am appalled to see how many have been deceived by this lie—grown men and women walking along in the scorching sun with it pulled up to their eyes, driving by themselves at 80 mph down an LA freeway. Jesus forewarned us that many would fall prey to a great deception in the end. Through the many years and throughout my studies I often wondered what would be that "Great Deception" in the last days that would lead astray an entire world. A clue was left for us in His Word. There can be no doubt now. We see it manifested every day as we walk among those who have been--masks, shots, "social distancing", church closures and all the many other anti-human acts they brain-wash the masses with.
The Book of Revelation warns us that big pharma (Greek for sorceries) will be the single greatest avenue by which the earth will be deceived thus setting the stage for the Antichrist to step forward as a "savior". Make no mistake about it, this incremental deception—first the mask, then the shot(s), then...?—asks you to surrender your will to a power other than that of yours or of God. It is satanic. It is the same choice, and great deception, in the beginning with Adam and his wife. You surrender your sovereignty?, your body is no longer yours. Let me ask you here this profound question posed by Jesus Himself: For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? (Mt.16:25-26) Never before has this verse had greater meaning. Death all around and they promise life if...if you surrender to their conditions. NO! the Christian must say. NO! I will not surrender my body that has already been given to God as a sacrifice. It is holy. (Rom.12:1-2) It is a sacrilige they ask of you. NO! My body is no longer mine to surrender to your shot.
Turns out, that small choice to wear the mask isn't so small after all. Now they tell you you must have the "shots(s)". The mark surely is not far behind. Don't you see the incremental steps Satan puts before us to ease us into full compliance? They've even told us as much. Study their writings. Study their words. You owe it to yourself and those you love, just say NO! Yes, it will cost you. Already has many, even their life. But they died with their soul intact. They overcame.
When it comes to matters of faith, it is eternally crucial we get these choices right because there may be no coming back from them. But I'm wondering. For many, is it already too late? With well over 50% of Americans now having been "vaccinated", as reported, 80% in some states, enough research has come in to cause many top leading scientists to raise the alarm. The vaccine is killing more than Covid. Consequently, it may be too late for those who have been deceived by corrupt officials and ignorant and Biblically incompetent pastors. But this is only the beginning.
Those same scientists, who have studied at length the design and complications of these "shots"—the vaccine pushers admit they are not vaccines—in increasing numbers are telling us, some without doubt, millions are going to die within the next 2 years. Think about that for a moment. You likely know someone who has already taken the "shot." Or, unfortunately, you may have yourself. If you or your loved one is one of these, seek expert medical help. Many are working tirelessly to discover ways to mitigate the damage, and death, that will come.
At first, Satan's steps for submission and compliance seem innocuous and incremental. For many, the choice is not very certain and some plunge headlong ahead hoping they are making the right one. But again, enough evidence and experience is mounting now that it should become quite apparent to one who keeps an open mind that the choice made, just as with the mask, was the wrong choice. We can actually see no good is coming of it. Each day the tragedies mount. Countries are banning them. Manufacturers are even pulling them. But yet, here in America, it's full steam ahead by the authoritarians—be damned the science. Even President Trump, to my disappointment, continues to vigorously push them—although I do understand his political reason for doing so.
Now they tell us to take their vaccine even though they admit it won't keep us from getting COVID. Take it anyway, they insist. Buying the lie, people don the mask. They stand in long lines to take the shot without even knowing, or caring, what it contains.
So, at this point, we are left with many troubling questions. Where is it going to end for you—when you say they have gone too far? When is it going to end for you? When and what is going to be your choice? Have you already made it? What will be the long-term consequences of your choice? What will be your fate if you go along? What will be your future if you don't resist? These all need to be considered because the choice is grave.
The path ahead is becoming much clearer today than it was just over a year ago. Choose carefully, my friend, for God is not the author of confusion. Seek and know His will for your life in these last troublesome days. Don't fall prey to the Great Lie, the Great Deception. At all cost, keep yourself pure as the Bride of Christ. DO NOT yoke yourself to another.
Finally, as encouragement, see what the Bible says is promised to those who overcome. Think of these when Satan casts his darkness over your soul. This is how you overcome—faith, faith in His promises. Learn them. Know them. For they will strengthen you in those times. And remember, Satan is the Father of Lies!
- Author: Ken Livingston - Monday, June 20, 2020 - Updated June 16, 2021 - Updated June 31, 2022
The following is taken from the Book, Adam2: A Guide For The Walk Home, written by our founder.
It is A Commentary On The Gospel Of John, complete with a background look at the contemporary Jewish groups active in Jesus' day.
It includes a summary of each chapter, a redacted study of each disciple, a brief study of Gnosticism of the time, pertinent timelines,
and much more. Each chapter of study includes extensive Biblical references to the notes on the chapter.
A chronological excerpt of each section will be posted here at the beginning of each month. You can access free of charge at any time
a complete online digital version
for your further study. In addition, a link will be provided to purchase the book on CD to install on
your own computer for convenience of study and print. All we ask is that you observe the stated copyrights as with any book you buy over
the counter, limiting your print to only one hard copy for your own personal use. If further hard copies are necessary,
please contact us for an additional nominal fee. Thank you for your interest in this study. Our hope and prayer is that
through the work of the Holy Spirit as you study you will be blessed by it, and if so, recommend it to a friend.
We turn this month to John - Chapter 10 from the book: Adam2.
This simple statement that His sheep will hear His voice, when found, carries with it certain profound implications.
It is the source of which men for centuries have splintered in the view of Christ's call to a universal world.
It is not one this current study needs to address. We will simply say of those who are not His, that they are
not so because of the condition of their own heart and ears, and the choice they make to remain in their own
blindness caused by the Deceiver, as with Eve (and Adam).
For these reasons, and others, these rulers do not hear His call, therefore, they are not His; but, He has come to
take from among them those who are.
Let us look for a moment at this truth of the recognition of His Voice when He calls. Consider how one recognizes
the authentic voice of another.
First, one sure way that comes to mind is simply from having heard it before. With this we are most familiar
(to be discussed shortly), but
Second, another way with which we are equally familiar is when, if they are published, we have read many of their
works and are quite studied in their words, maybe having committed a few of the more memorable ones to memory for
moments in solitude for reflection and enjoyment, such as those of Shakespeare, Browning, or better still, a contemporary
with whom we may have a chance encounter. We may never have seen a likeness of this one whose work we admire, but if in
this chance meeting, passing by not knowing who they are, yet hearing their voice, it would arrest our attention.
What we would hear would be familiar words spoken by one with such authority as to say this is the very author of
those words himself. (Is this not what those who heard Jesus speak say of Him, even as a child by these very ones
He is now before? Follow with me for now before you go off on that point.) A voice within us would say it was so,
and we would be convinced enough to remain, probably trying to convince a possible companion in our chance meeting.
And upon learning for certain through other confirmation, our words would be to those around us who knew of our hopeful
suspicion something like this: "See, I told you so!" Do I need to continue with this analogy with Christ as
the Word and His written Revelation that these Jews held within their memory for this same recognition,
as well as it should be for our own?
Third, but no less important: assume we have never heard this voice ourselves, or read his works to recognize
it when it speaks. Is it not, then, the credible witness of someone who has that we would trust equally as sure as
our own judgment? Certainly. It is precisely by this method Jesus chose for His identification to us for our
confirmation of Him—His Holy Spirit sent for this express purpose. As sure as He trusts Him, when He is sent,
to speak of no other, we can be as confident then when He speaks to our spirit and that voice deep within says
there is something familiar and agreeable with what we are hearing.
Acts 2:6,16-21)
This can be seen in the woman at the well who had never met Jesus, but was convinced by only a few of His words of
the fact that this voice identified her as she knew herself to be, and unlike any other had known her in her entire life.
Through His Words, she knew beyond doubt that this was the One who had been promised. She did not know how He knew her,
but she knew that the core of her soul was brought to light in the Truth of His Words. No other has this power,
for only He knows the hearts of all people and will identify them in that meeting (as with Nathanael).
As a result of this unique understanding of ourselves revealed to us by this One who has engaged us, our recognition
of His Truth for the exact answer to our discovered condition cannot be denied (we may deny it to others, but it cannot
be to the voice within). Thus, He tells us first who we are—lost ones, searching for fulfillment in life and
the freedom for our spirits that seem to be crying out from within for outward release into someone
who truly recognizes and understands us, and who will accept and love us as we are when we meet. Secondly, He tells us who
He is, exactly in relation to us—the answer and complete embodiment of our lifelong search.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Over the years when pressed into service for others in Jesus' name beyond your own human comfort zone,
into a realm that seemed to defy all logic and understanding, have you often wondered if you had reached
the limits of your sanity? You know you would not have chosen that particular path for that specific need
of another if you were in your right mind. You think to yourself: What was I thinking? You may have
had others who knew you best question your thoughts and actions, even saying to you: Are you out of your mind?
You agreed. You did feel deep within this wasn't the course any one in their right mind might have
chosen—the things you are called to do for or speak to another. However, there was no denying in your spirit
by Whom you were being led! As you continued obediently in faith, you may have had to defend your actions to others by
expressing your unconcern of their thoughts and attitudes toward you because of their lack of understanding where
God had placed you.
At this point, you may have had thoughts of the similarities of your experience and Job's experience with his three
friends who could not understand what he was experiencing in his time. Never before had you more understanding and
greater sympathy for his situation. You conclude your friends mean well but are not in the throes of the experience
and anointing of your unique calling for this moment. You do not judge. You know, you just know, you must press on
until He has done with you in the matter. Your obedience is required and His yoke and Joy remaineth upon you.
This is undeniable to you. As much as you may desire and try, you will never be able to convince your friends to understand.
Nor should you. Nor can they. This is something God has called you to do in quiet solitude and devotion to Him.
Jesus asked us never to do our alms to Him for others to see. Greater will be your reward in heaven when He alone
recognizes in total what you have done in private and personal for Him (Mt.6:4). Though your actions may be seen openly
because of the nature of your service, you and He alone know this you do for Him, in His name. You have come to the point
in surrender to Him where His recognition is all the recognition you seek. At times, even those you serve may seem to
resent your service or at the least you may feel you are being used. It matters not when you know you have both His
blessing and anointing for what you do. The human nature and reasoning would say: enough! and walk away. But you
are no longer listening with the human ear and applying human logic.
For the Christian who has indeed reached a level of growth in the heart of God's calming and satisfying love produced
by the Holy Spirit, the new creature in Christ has allowed the mind of Christ to thoroughly supplant the mind of the old creature
I Pe.4:1).
Newborn into His kingdom we were babes in Christ
(II Cor.5:17).
We thought like a child, we spoke as a child, we acted as a child, we even expected from others as a child,
but when we grew up in Christ, we put away those childish ways and walked in the ways of maturity in Christ.
His mind began having more and more sway with each passing day, with each growing experience, each lesson learned,
each willful submission to Him as Lord in all areas of our lives
(I Cor.13:11;
II Cor.10:5).
His Spirit now is busy at work pricking, prodding and poking at the old creature in our daily contact with the world. He is
constantly exposing remnants of the old life, convicting and presenting us continually with the choice of obedience in submission
for dissection any discovery of the old and insinuation of Himself into each new area we allow His cleansing
(John 16:8).
The following is taken from the Book of New Testament Summaries.
[The "Gospel of God" and "His Son"
(1:1,9) as seen and written by Paul to Roman Christians
(1:7): to let them know he knew of their work and faith
(1:8), that he was coming there shortly
and to have on file in Rome, the capital of the world, a record of the Gospel of God through Jesus Christ.
Paul introduces himself by listing his credentials credible for his writing. First he identifies his position in ministry:
a servant; second, his calling: an Apostle; and thirdly, his purpose: to declare the message of the Gospel of God.
(NOTICE: Nowhere does he list his earthly achievements as qualifications for writing or speaking:
Phd's in law; his denomination affiliations: a Pharisee, etc. He is first and lastly a servant of Christ in the proclamation
of the message of God that there be no room for worldly human boasting! See II Cor.10:7-18; Ph.3:3-8.
Therefore, he is ready (1:15),
willing (
I Th.2:8),
and able (
II Co.3:4-6)
to preach God's Gospel to whomever called, at present in writing to Rome!) He salutes them, commends their much publicized faith,
expresses his longing to see them that he might impart to them some spiritual gift, together be edified, and finally,
clearly teach that the fruit of the gospel is God's righteousness established and lived out in man.
All men are seen at one point standing under the shadow of God's impending wrath because of his own ungodliness.
It is each's individual decision whether one remains so. Just as there are specific steps to be taken toward God,
coming under His umbrella of saving grace, there are successive steps away from Him, putting one in final jeopardy
of His irrevocable judgment (1:21,23,25,32): (1)
They became indifferent to God (failed to glorify Him), (2) therefore, they became ungrateful to Him (failed to be thankful),
(3) thus they became conceited (vain in their own imaginations), (4) now having no need of Him,
they omitted Him from their lives (worshipped the product of their own hands), and finally, (5) changed His truth into a lie!
This one will be given over to do those things naturally produced from within a wicked heart: all manner of despicable sin arising from
eventual unnatural affections, having gone so far from God (His knowledge, truth, and wisdom), filled (in total) with unrighteousness.
The end of this man is both logical and inevitable. (All of the above is not only applicable to the individual,
but to a nation as well, as seen with Israel of old and within any nation in decline.)
Since all men stand accused, guilty, and condemned before His Bench, God alone is holy enough to be judge.
Therefore, no man has the right to sit in judgment of another, no matter his level of righteousness attained
nor degree of works done! Both Jew and Gentile stand alike on equal footing in His Court. His Law is blind:
it can see only the sin and not the sinner, thus pointing to the guilty, irrespective of his earthly origin or achievements.
Because God is just, His judgment is just. He will separate the wheat from the chaff at the appropriate time,
after each has his own period of possible repentance and being wooed by God's freely given loving goodness,
seeing in his hard heart his own guilt and finally throwing himself at the mercy of His grace. Those who observe
to do His Law from a heart softened by Him will be spared His wrath. So, be careful not to judge another,
but also in your attempts to teach others His Law as you have been taught. See that your own life reflects it,
that His name be highly honored among all men, especially by the unbeliever. The Law kept only outwardly without
the heart ever receiving it, is vain, but the one who has his heart spiritually quickened by God when His Law
is received within, will be highly praised by Him, whether Jew or Gentile.
Paul now asks what advantage then is outward circumcision, or profit to the ceremonial Jew? Certainly there were unbelievers
(uncircumcised in heart) among them, but this alone does not negate the faith and purpose of the others who believed. To them
was committed the oracles of God for the benefit of all men, to be instructed in His ways that righteousness might come to all,
not only to the Jew (though first), but to the Gentile world as well. Clearly, then, it is seen that all stand guilty before a
righteous judge with none being justified by the Law, only condemned by it, everyone having violated it. Whether in some
small point, or in totality, it is broken! None are righteous, not one! The most lawful and unlawful both stand
condemned, for both are guilty on some point. No amount of man's own righteousness (right doing) will cover his personal violations.
Man's violations (sin), no matter how few or small, are larger than any amount of works he could do in ten lifetimes, unable to
be used as a cover or for mitigating circumstances to set him free. One dot of sin is sufficient to render any man guilty to the
extreme of offsetting a lifetime of good works! (
Therefore, no amount of works is capable of negating man's penalty or excusing him from the Law's violation. Now having
sufficiently made the case for every man's guilt (a sinner), and impossibility for any man to work off his own sentence to be set
free, Paul pivots in 3:21 to declare the grace of God and the hope for man. He has shown us our
unrighteousness; he now teaches the provision God Himself has made for our righteousness that we might go free—Faith in Jesus Christ
who served our sentence perfectly, now offering pardon. Guilty? Yes, all, but freely pardoned through acceptance of His work done
for us! So righteousness comes not by the Law, but through faith, not just blind faith, but faith in Jesus Christ. Why Him? Because
no other paid the required penalty to appease an offended God who might consider and grant us grace as we stand by His successful
Son's side as He pleads now for our pardon! God Himself has done the work (3:25),
and Christ has declared, it is finished! (
Hence, three consequences arise from faith in Christ: (1) Boasting in works is excluded
(vs.27), (2) God is for all men, Jew and Gentile
(vs.29), and (3) its work
(vs.31). So, because justified to go away free, yet not as his own,
rather now a servant of Christ who bought him with a price—justified not by your own works, but by faith in the works of Christ!
Paul now uses Abraham, the first to be ordered ceremonially circumcised, as an example of any man justified by faith and not works.
His righteousness was imputed to him by God who saw his faith within his heart before receiving the ceremonial circumcision;
therefore, his righteousness did not come through the act of circumcision or any works previously performed.
His works were a result of his faith, his circumcision serving as: (1) a mere sign of his faith, and
(2) a seal of their relationship! The Law then serves only to bring man condemned before God. But faith
in the works of the Son sets him free, freely justified to inherit the righteousness of God (
and as a rightful heir to the promises made to Abraham (4:16)
who himself lived by faith, and not just to Abraham, but of Christ Himself who did what no other did or could do.
Paul concludes his argument for the universality of sin and the need for imputed righteousness. He teaches the benefits
of the gospel of God received by faith and not works: (1) we have peace with Him, (2)
we have access to Him, and (3) we have hope in Him. First this peace is more than being at ease with one's self;
it is being at one with God. He is no longer angry with us. He is pleased with, not what we have done, but what He has done and
we have accepted as a gift from Him! Therefore, through faith He is pleased and we find peace! (
Secondly, we have access to Him. The cross alone is the veil through which man may enter His presence,
accompanied now by the new High Priest who needed not to make atonement for His own sin before entering.
No longer annually restricted, we now may enter as often as desired. (Heb.6:19-28;
16:27; 15:7)
Thirdly, we have hope in God. Hope defined is that substance produced in the heart of man by his faith in the risen Christ (
His work was done while we were yet sinners abiding under God's wrath, and having turned from ungodliness, stepping toward God
and His provision of the cross, we are saved from His future judgment, having already been judged in Christ and pardoned by His
grace through our faith in Him. This is our hope! The hope of Glory! No longer under the shadow of His displeasure!
(An old refrain slips into memory: "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness..."
(I Co.15:4,14,17-20.) Once a beneficiary of Adam's inheritance, sold into slavery of sin, now
redeemed and a child of Christ's kingdom, at last set free! Through the former's disobedience—bound to sin,
but the latter's obedience—set free, and that eternally!
WEF Official Calls for AI to Re-Write the Bible 'Correctly'
"In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct … just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI. That could be a reality in a few years," states WEF advisor Yuval Noah Harari, "a homosexual, Israeli author and historian who holds mostly to atheistic beliefs in spirituality," - Charismamag.com.
Transgender Lutheran pastor on the Bible's clear line of male & female: "It's hard to relate it to modern-day times b/c it wasn't written for 2024. It was written for then. When we read in the scripture that God created man and woman, yes, and god created everyone else, as well." pic.twitter.com/rFIKhlv7OW
To the cast down and disheartened, stop and remember the joy of the beginning of your new birth. Remember, there is no battle you face that He has not already fought and overcome. The victory is yours. Embrace it.
Featured Sermon
The Coming Kingdom - 1/1/1984
Hebrews 1:14: And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom.
When Praying, Do Not Think You Are Offering Your Words To Him For Them To Be Graded, And If You Should Pass By Any Measure, He May Answer For Your Good Pleasure... Read More
All your words, no matter how well or poorly constructed, if uttered from the heart, will be heard by Him, and into His presence you will be
faithfully conducted. So, learn the language of your heart and speak it often; for in it lies the key to effective communication with Him.
As A Developing Child Mimics To Learn The Language Of Its Parent And Provider So As To Effectively Communicate Its Deepest Desires
And Innermost Thoughts Of The Heart, So Too Must You With Your Heavenly Father. As With Any Language, To Know That Language,
You Must Study His Manual And Speak It Often To Him.
"Father, teach me first the words of your Heavenly language whereby I may communicate to you the thoughts of my heart and
with it hear and understand your will to me. And then teach me not only how to pray and the words to say, but for what it is I am to pray."
Beware of light thoughts of sin. At the time of conversion, the conscience is so tender, that we are afraid of the slightest sin. Young converts have a holy timidity, a godly fear lest they should offend against God... Read More
But alas! very soon the fine bloom upon these first ripe fruits is removed by the rough handling of the surrounding world: the sensitive plant of young piety turns into a willow in after life, too pliant, too easily yielding. It is sadly true, that even a Christian may grow by degrees so callous, that the sin which once startled him does not alarm him in the least. By degrees men get familiar with sin. The ear in which the cannon has been booming will not notice slight sounds. At first a little sin startles us; but soon we say, "Is it not a little one?" Then there comes another, larger, and then another, until by degrees we begin to regard sin as but a little ill; and then follows an unholy presumption: "We have not fallen into open sin. True, we tripped a little, but we stood upright in the main. We may have uttered one unholy word, but as for the most of our conversation, it has been consistent." So we palliate sin; we throw a cloak over it; we call it by dainty names. Christian, beware how thou thinkest lightly of sin. Take heed lest thou fall by little and little. Sin, a little thing? Is it not a poison? Who knows its deadliness? Sin, a little thing? Do not the little foxes spoil the grapes? Doth not the tiny coral insect build a rock which wrecks a navy? Do not little strokes fell lofty oaks? Will not continual droppings wear away stones? Sin, a little thing? It girded the Redeemer's head with thorns, and pierced His heart! It made Him suffer anguish, bitterness, and woe. Could you weigh the least sin in the scales of eternity, you would fly from it as from a serpent, and abhor the least appearance of evil. Look upon all sin as that which crucified the Saviour, and you will see it to be "exceeding sinful."
When many people hear talk of building a "biblical"
or a "Christian" nation, they equate this idea with a civil government run by the Church. When non-Christians hear us
talk about gaining political influence, they are afraid. Liberals fear the Church taking over government because they
correctly understand that a nation run by a particular church or religion could lead us to tyranny.... Read More
Liberals are more likely to think of a "theocracy" as a state run by the Church, than as a Christian Republic, the form of government the founders of our nation intended. They do not understand that our goal is not a state run by the Church, but a nation that accepts and honors Biblical Law. Therefore, liberals (and especially the liberal media) are likely to misrepresent our goals when we speak of building a Christian nation. ...
"The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself."
1. Outward formality in spiritual experience--a stereotyped, stiff way of doing things that clearly flows from habit
rather than gushing from a spiritual life. 2. Distaste for spiritual things. We always enjoy saying and doing the things that please the one we love most. 3. Bondage signals a backslidden heart. He dutifully serves while having no heart for praise, worship, private prayer,
or any exercise spontaneous and delightful to those with love for God. (Spiritual bondage!)... Read More
4. An uncontrolled temper. When love fills a heart, its temper is naturally broken and sweet, or at least the will bridles
it and keeps it from breaking out. 5. An uncharitable spirit--one that fails to put the best possible construction on everyone's behavior. 6. An attitude of faultfinding, a quickness to fasten blame on others and judge them harshly...
The consequences of the magnitude of such a broad scale world-wide implementation of a "new church model" cannot be ignored. It must be examined by the serious Bible student and Christian! It must be looked at in light of Bible prophecy. We must heed the warnings of both Jesus' own words when He walked the earth and those inspired by the Holy Spirit written later for our advantage in alertness of end-time events and trends. Not to do so would be perilous. So, I have prayerfully written 5 articles on this demonic phenonemonen with hopes they will help you to understand how serious this modern attack is on the true church of Christ - Articles on the Modern Church.
Has church been getting you down lately?
Do you have more questions than answers about the major
shift in your experiences in worship, in the objects, music, and even the sermons? We may be able to help.
Know first, you are not alone! More people are awaking to a deceptive practice that
began years ago. In addition, we have put together 5 articles to try and answer some
of those questions and help with your understanding. The first are more practical in nature as they
relate to your questions. However, the 5th is more specific in identifying a major factor behind the
changes you are experiencing. We hope this will not be the end of your exploration of this
growing cancer on the church. If you're fine with it, we wish you the best but some of us
have not nor will buy into it.
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