ADAM2.ORG - Bible Verse Of The Day Code
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Take a minute for the nourshiment of your soul. Each day a new Bible verse is displayed on various pages througout our Site, one that, hopefully, will speak to any visitor who may read it. Now you can have the same feature for your web pages with just a simple copy & paste of a brief HTML code.

Just fill in the form below and the code will be emailed to you and you can have it up and running in just a couple of minutes. You may edit the code for background and text color to integrate it within your site. Or, alter the table any way you please, just don't change the 2 script tags in the code:

  • <script language="javascript1.2" src=""></script>

  • <script>document.writeln (verse);</script>

Today's Bible Verse
If verse is not shown, Refresh This Page to see it.


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