Think On This
One Police Officer's Mother Shares Her Heart One Police Officer's Mother Shares Her Heart One Police Officer's Mother Shares Her Heart

Recently, I received a very personal contact from a follower. In it she describes her life as a mother of a police officer and how her heart was transformed for his chosen duty. One cannot begin to imagine the heart of that mother, unless you are her peer. But, one certainly should be moved by hearing her story. I was.

She asked if I would consider sharing her story with others. Upon reading it, how could we deny this mother's heart-felt request. We are honored and privileged to grant that request.

We pray, as does she, that many will be touched by her burden, her fears, but more so, her love and pride in a son who is following God's calling in his life, teaching us that preachers are not all who God chooses to call. Her story reminds us of that. We should never forget it! Many such unsung heroes put their lives in harm's way every day in following their calling to service for others.

We include in this preface the heading of her email and personal note for her request.

- Ken Livingston, June 9, 2020
Message Heading:

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "#2f4f4f" <>
To: "Kenneth"
Sent: Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 12:34 PM
Subject: Police Calling

Ken, in light of the alarming degree of police brutality, disrespect, abuse and extreme threats being reported, I recently posted the following on FB. I am humbled by the tremendous amount of positive feedback it is producing. In the hope it might touch many others, I feel deeply about sharing what God has put into my heart regarding my son as a law enforcement officer during this time of great upheaval and danger, especially to my brave son and the many others like him throughout our great country. You have my permission to publish it.


President Trump With Police Officers

Just the other day I found a picture on the internet of President Trump standing with police. Under it, I commented that I am the mother of a devoted police officer. For his safety and my fear of some brutal attack on him, I never post his face in uniform. I write this on behalf of my son and all courageous police officers in our country who are under assault today.

I confess. I never wanted my only son to become a policeman. After his tour of service in our military's '20th Special Forces', he continued pursuing his childhood dream of being a policeman. At the time, he was young and I pleaded with him to change his mind. As his loving mother, I bared my soul to him.

So many things went through my mind, each taken separately was sufficient reason for him not to continue this chosen, although admirable, profession. I warned him of the dangers, risks and hardships it would put on his future wife and children, not to mention myself, his dad and younger sister. We are a close loving and caring family.

I pushed his father to change his mind. I earnestly appealed to my Lord, constantly praying to Him to use His power to convince my son to change his mind. I saw no results of my efforts. Nothing was working, my heart was sinking...excuse me while I get a Kleenex. Sorry.

Police Officer's Prayer

And then one day my son came to me and said, "Mom, don't you think we need Christians to serve as police officers?" It was then it finally became clear to me that God was calling my son to service. I had always known this had been a strong passion for him since his childhood. It continued on through his teen years. But it never dawned on me there was something greater driving my son than his passion.

So, with my Bible in hand, I humbled myself before God. It didn't take long for Him to hear me. He spoke a scripture from His Word to my heart. Because I was so moved by the depth it touched me in my burden for my son, I highlighted and underlined it, along with writing the date in the margin on that wonderful memorable day so many years ago. An unimaginable peace and calmness immediately began flowing throughout my entire body. In that moment of a new realization, I saw my son through His eyes. I became deeply aware that God loves my son with a far greater love than I can possibly equal. My son is His son!

Police being assaulted by Antifa

When I hear of all the officers injured and killed in the line of duty protecting our streets, the rights of strangers, our country, our homes, I think of the peace they keep that we may live in peace. Now I watch in total shock all the many who hate them—for what reason?—protesting and marching against them, disrespecting them to unbelievable extremes, throwing bricks at them, spitting at them and calling them out and accusing them of being the bad guys. Their lives are threatened on a daily basis. Sure, there may be one bad or a few, but not the majority—not of loving mothers!

It is appalling to the sensible mind to see the evil wicked DEMOCRAT politicians who we ELECTED to SERVE our country, now, ignoring their oath, supporting and encouraging defunding, dismantling and abolishing entire police departments—even removing school police officers who proudly protect our youngest while they are away from us every day. Because our greatest and bravest who are under paid are being assaulted on such a high level, it makes me so angry and sick to my stomach! It should make everyone feel this way!

President Trump said this will NEVER happen under his watch! Thank you, President Trump. You have supported our law enforcement from day one and the 'Rule of Law' which makes this country great!

A police officer's Mom

I mentioned on FB that I am a mother of a police officer. I want to thank those many strangers who are telling me they are praying for and supporting my son and also praying for me during these difficult evil dark days we are experiencing as a nation. I pray for all law enforcement and our great military and their families.

God continues to keep His promise he gave to me that beautiful day many years ago when He let me see His son through His eyes. It is a gift I will always cherish. Son, you will probably read this; you know how much I love you. God used you to change this mother's heart to one of high respect, deep gratitude and extremely proud to call you my son.

My story is but one of many—mothers whose hearts also know the heartache and the fear, but also the great love and pride we have in our sons. May God keep them safe as they proudly serve! praying hands and flag

- Shelia Ann Lowery
Tues, June 9, 2020

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