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Adam2.orgI am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. - John 15:5

Adam2.orgAnd the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. - Mark 4:35 may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. - Psalms 30:5b is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. - Matthew 7:14 the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. - Genesis 1:2b

Adam2.orgThe Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. - Psalms 23:1-2
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The Worldview Dilemma of American Parents
Shocking Finding: Two-thirds (67%) of pre-teen parents claim to be Christian, but only 2% of all pre-teen parents actually possess a biblical worldview...
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American Values Personal Survey

Poll: American Majority Wants Congress to Pass Pro-Life Protections

Downward Trend Who Say Same-Sex Relations Morally Acceptable

Satan, The Father Of Lies
Battle For America's Soul
Ligonier Ministries' Biennial Study
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Perceptions about Biblical Worldview and Its Application
Among the Shocking findings are -
1. "31% of adults say it is very important for their religious faith to influence every dimension of their life."
2. "49% accept reincarnation as a possibility after they die."
Pew Research Poll on Worship
Faith on the Hill
Just one question: If, if this is true then why do our politicians and those who do their bidding in the media possess the spirit of antichrist—an anti-Christian spirit that treats others with such hostility, disrespect and mean-spirited? Why is the state of our country so godless and in an advanced state of decay and decline? Something is grossly immoral and amiss! hr
Consider this from 3 of our founding fathers:
  1. Benjamin Franklin - Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.
  2. Jedidiah Morse - Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government - and all blessings which flow from them - must fall with them.
  3. John Adams - Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

This may help to answer some of your questions as to our current national state of affairs. The honest student of history knows this to be true. Also read:
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Lifeway Research - Evangelism 2022
Lifeway Research - Evangelism 2022

Lead Column

Society Without A Church And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; - Romans 1:21 Society Without A Church

The late Dr. W. A. Criswell, beloved pastor of FBC Dallas for many years, a pastor's pastor—my pastor, once told the following story of "an affluent atheist who decided to build a town in Montana."

Many years ago, an affluent atheist decided to build a town in Montana. When he built it, he said, "There is to be no church or no preacher in it." His city had a population of five thousand people. He soon found that he had plenty of women, but not a decent one among them. They were harlots and prostitutes. The men who flocked to the town loved to gamble, drink, and fight. No family with children wanted to move into the city. After five years of that experiment, the bottom fell out of his little city, and he delivered a manifesto through the newspapers and in handbills:
To Whom It May Concern: God knows that there is no such person as God and my motto has always been, "To hell with religion." But for some fool reason, which no man can fathom, I have found by experience we cannot do business in this country on any other basis than that silly bit of sentiment which we stamp on our coins, "In God We Trust." Therefore, infernal foolishness though it all is, I have sent out for a parson and we are going to build a church.
There has never been a more needed time for this message than today. Given the admitted ills of capitalism, history has taught us it is the only structure, as the Montana atheist discovered at his attempt to create a city, for a society to thrive and live free in a democracy or republic. We are witnessing just how true this is in our current political climate in America, or in the world for that matter. Never has the church in America been needed more than now! There isn't much time. Unfortunately, its shepherds have slumbered. While they have slumbered, an evil element has emerged that is rapidly tearing our nation apart. Their intent is to overthrow it and build a new socialist/communist political government. This experiment has been tried and failed too many times for the intellectually honest critic of capitalism to deny. But that does not matter to this subversive element. Power is all that is important to them—power achieved by any means necessary. Watch them. When hate, fear and destruction is all they have to offer, ask yourself, what kind of society are they capable of building, one where families and children want to live, one where "parsons" are not only welcomed but wanted?
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Book: Adam2

Guide For The Walk Home

The following is taken from the Book, Adam2: A Guide For The Walk Home, written by our founder. It is A Commentary On The Gospel Of John, complete with a background look at the contemporary Jewish groups active in Jesus' day. It includes a summary of each chapter, a redacted study of each disciple, a brief study of Gnosticism of the time, pertinent timelines, and much more. Each chapter of study includes extensive Biblical references to the notes on the chapter.

A chronological excerpt of each section will be posted here at the beginning of each month. You can access free of charge at any time a complete online digital version for your further study. In addition, a link will be provided to purchase the book on CD to install on your own computer for convenience of study and print. All we ask is that you observe the stated copyrights as with any book you buy over the counter, limiting your print to only one hard copy for your own personal use. If further hard copies are necessary, please contact us for an additional nominal fee. Thank you for your interest in this study. Our hope and prayer is that through the work of the Holy Spirit as you study you will be blessed by it, and if so, recommend it to a friend.

For this month, we will begin our study of John - Chapter 1 from the book: Adam2.

For a look at some Background Information on our writer, the Apostle John, see the Disciple Study located for convenient reference in the Appendix. This is provided so as not to piecemeal or obscure each disciple within our main study as they are introduced by the gospel writer.
  1. As learned in our Introduction, Palestine was ruled by Rome under 4 divisions at the time of Christ: (1) Judea and (2) Samaria ruled by Pontius Pilate, the 5th appointed Roman procurator in A.D. 26; and (3) Galilee and (4) Perea ruled by the Idumean Herod.
  2. Except for His infant flight into Egypt (Mt.2:14), Jesus spent His life within a 70 mile radius of this region: Jerusalem to the South; Sidon on the coast to the north; and Decapolis and Perea to the east.
  3. Polytheism (except for the religious Jew) was the order of the day. Immorality abounded, even among the many "gods." The spiritual aspect of Jewish religion (except among a few, usually the poorer class) was all but extinct (Mt.9:10). The legalism of the Pharisees and Scribes ruled. Ceremonialism was the yoke that bound the necks of all Jews, especially as one drew nearer to its center in Jerusalem. From A.D. 6, taxation had been levied by the heavy hand of Rome, and in many cases implemented by turncoat publicans (Lk.5:29). Hope toward a political messiah was at its zenith. Many such self-proclaimed persons were appearing on the scene with their renegade band of followers, only to be discounted by their own actions usually (Acts 5:36,37). The region was rife with bands of robbers and Sicarii. The middle class was non-existent. Most were very poor, except for the few aristocrats who bought and sold humans like cattle.
  4. Into this volatile world, Jesus came to establish His Heavenly Kingdom, but the Jew refused Him as their king, declaring they had none but Caesar (19:15). Although Jewish by blood and by His own declaration He came to the house of Israel (Acts 2:36), He was subsequently rejected by His own (vs.11). However, as He also clearly taught, His kingdom will include anyone from any blood who will hear and respond to His call.
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Think On This
A Biblical Search For Spiritual Answers In Valuing Human Life

Human Life The following is a lesson designed for group study for examining the devaluation of human life in our culture today. It begins, not with the ideas and arguments proposed by modern intellect, reason, or persuasion, for these are flawed and ever fluid, but as it should, with a search of what God Himself, He who created it, has already said concerning it. One has only to read of the war that currently rages among leading scientists over Hawking's theory of "black holes" and his recent laughable forray into the topics of religion. Those who demand that any debate or examination must begin with science and should not consider the Bible in their findings elevate man above God. Science has not created one man nor is capable of creating one soul that makes the human distinct from animal.

We all know that man is flawed and is incapable of creating, deducting, or reasoning one single thing that itself isn't flawed as well. So, why not consider the thoughts of the Creator before the created. After all, isn't God the author of all, even science? The universe did not come into existence merely on its own and each orb suspends and sustains itself in space. Science has its place but not to the exclusion of its Origin. As foolish as it is for the scientist to deny the Scripture, it would be equally foolish for the Bible student or scholar to deny valid science. Therefore, as important as science is when considering this topic, we will, however, begin our questions as we should—with God's Word.

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Bible Summaries

Proverbs Chapter Summary

The following is taken from the Book of Old Testament Summaries.

  1. (629 B.C.?) The words of Jeremiah, son of Hilkiah, of the priests in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin in the days of Josiah, 15th king of Judah, in the 13th year of his reign, through Zedekiah, last king of Judah at the time of the fall of Jerusalem and captivity to Babylon (586 B.C.). Called from birth and encouraged by God as a child. Personal touch by God to speak His words. His first vision test: almond tree rod; passed. Second vision test: seething pot; passed. Visions' explanation of Jerusalem's destruction to come from the north now foretold to him. He is to fear no man, being totally protected by God.
  2. Commissioned and commanded now to begin: "Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem..." his first message. He reminds them of the days of old, questioning their reasoning for turning from God. None looks for Him. The land is polluted by the people. A great irony: Other nations are true to their gods who are false, but Israel is false to her true God! Astonishing! They are guilty of two evils: (1) they have forsaken God, the fountain of living waters; (2) made their own broken cisterns unable to hold water. When in trouble why did they flee to Egypt for help who had once enslaved them? They are covenant-breakers! A once noble vine now a degenerate plant. (See Isa.5.) Their lust for their false and hopeless gods is unrestrainable—one for every city. All are guilty. Discipline did no good. They kill the prophets who were sent to warn them and are sanctimonious and self-righteous in all their evil doings. God will not prosper them in their own vain conceited self-confidence.
  3. His message continues. They continue to commit spiritual adultery, yet returning again and again to God with no guilt. His blessings withheld from them did not turn them. The evil they could do, they did! Reminded of their sister, Israel's judgment (fall to Assyria in 721), but failed to heed it. Judah now more guilty than her. A call to repentance. A promise of a remnant, with Israel reunited under a Universal King with God as their Father. A further call to repentance. Salvation is only of God. The vanity of their false works. Israel's confession of their sin.
  4. (612 B.C.?) The results of genuine repentance only if they turn. It requires a spiritual circumcision of the heart. Let the land hear His final warning. Judgment will come from the north; so prepare. All will wonder. So the people won't be misled, Jeremiah seeks clarification if peace or judgment will come. God answers: the winds of war will come, but Jerusalem may be spared for now if she repents; warn everyone! The reason for their enemy allowed ( vs.17-18). The evil's lamentation: when will it end? The day of salvation. All shall flee. Her past lovers, now despising her, will seek her life. She will cry before the avenger against her bloody sins!
  5. Unlike Sodom with ten, Jerusalem will be spared if only one righteous is found. All swear to Him falsely, refusing to return. None will turn, not even the greatest. How can He pardon them? A call for the invasion. Name one good reason they should not be punished? They deceived themselves; His word is not in them. A nation of an unknown tongue will come for their judgment. A remnant is promised after their predicted captivity. He would have been to them as the shore to the sea, keeping back its pounding relentless waves, but their heart is turned away. Their evil deeds are described. Why shouldn't He punish them? They all follow after their own sick wicked ways, not considering their inevitable end.
  6. A warning is issued of the imminent enemy already in their countryside. Shepherds flee. Their enemy is encouraged and prepares for Jerusalem's siege. His warning goes unheeded. None will escape. All are consumed with covetousness, deluding themselves in a false peace before sudden destruction. No rest for their souls will come. Their evil thoughts will be exposed and they will be brought low by His chosen stumbling blocks placed before them. God's standard for them to be tried and rejected as reprobate silver.
  7. (600 B.C.?) Jeremiah's first gate message (next, 17:19) to the worshipers as they come: a divine call to repentance. Get pure religion, and then He will give peace! But their hypocrisy abounds and His Temple is abused. Shiloh was an example for them. Prayer for them is now hopeless. The whole family is corrupt. Utter desolation with unquenchable anger will come. His message—obey His voice that it be well— has been the same day after day since the beginning days of their fathers, but to no avail. They have done worse than their fathers, even offering their children as sacrifices! To Him, unthinkable! Jerusalem, take up a lamentation, the house of God is polluted; Hinnom (sight of children sacrifices south side of the city) shall be called the valley of slaughter! The land, desolate.
  8. Even the dead wicked's bones shall not have rest! Their graves will be desecrated by the enemy. Times will be so terrible, death will be preferred to life. No reason for Jerusalem's perpetual backsliding. God patiently listened for their repentant turning, but none did. Even nature knows the seasonal laws to turn and obeys. God's laws to man however were given in vain. God gives them up to the enemy to be judged, from the least to the greatest. Their evil, silenced. The harvest has passed, with no balm in Gilead.
  9. Thus, Jeremiah's lamentation. Their paths are crooked—evil touching evil. None to be trusted: for the deeds of the wicked are great and hypocrisy is proliferate. He asks: You tell me what I should do? The land is made barren. Does anyone understand? Again He gives the reason for their judgment: (1) His law is forsaken; (2) His voice is not obeyed; (3) They walk after the imagination of their own hearts. Now scattered among the heathen. Bring in the mourners! Great calamity will suddenly come. A warning to the upper classes. Man's glory is only in knowing Him! His chosen remain uncircumcised (unrepentant), consequently, He will punish them with the heathen.
  10. The heathen and their occult ways are condemned. The people's heightened interest in their idols, incapable of any action, good or evil, will not save them. There is none like God, His greatness, His wisdom, and truthfulness. He is Everlasting! No other god made the heavens and Earth. False gods and those who worship them will perish. They are impotent for their salvation. They are the reason for their destruction. God is the portion of Jacob. He will judge the land. The woe of a man for his hurt and loss. A news flash, a noise comes! Judah made desolate; given to the wild beasts. Man does not know enough to direct his own steps. A plea for correction with mercy, and a fury for the heathen.
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70 Christians Found Beheaded In Church In DR Congo

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The Catching Away of the Saints

Pastor James McConnell

An ancient message to a Godless world.
WEF Official Calls for AI to Re-Write the Bible 'Correctly'

"In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct … just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI. That could be a reality in a few years," states WEF advisor Yuval Noah Harari, "a homosexual, Israeli author and historian who holds mostly to atheistic beliefs in spirituality," -
To The Visitor
Who Is Broken & Searching...

Take a quiet moment and listen...

To the cast down and disheartened, stop and remember the joy of the beginning of your new birth. Remember, there is no battle you face that He has not already fought and overcome. The victory is yours. Embrace it.
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W.A.Criswell-FBC Dallas,Tx
The World of Satan - 4/9/1969
Criswell Sermon Library Matthew 4:1-11: Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city,
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Can a person be 100% sure of his or her salvation? - RC Sproul
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The Challenge of Religious Pluralism The Challenge of Religious Pluralism
The twentieth century has brought forth unparalleled challenges to the historic Christian faith. During this century, Christianity's relevance and ultimate validity have been questioned as never before. This assault on the central truth claims of Christianity has come from two distinct fronts: atheistic secular humanism and the growing climate of religious pluralism...
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Tests For Right Or Wrong Decisions Tests For Right Or Wrong Decisions
Proverbs 3:5-6;
I Thessalonians 5:21;
I Peter 4:11
These questions are offered for your consideration when attempting a decision, response to something or someone, or action on your part. They are merely guidelines for daily living. Of course, the WWJS or WWJD tests go without saying. Also, I was fortunate to have both parents who set an example for me in life, both in daily living and their spiritual lives. Therefore, I include the test of what would my father or mother have done faced with the same situation or decision?...
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How The Megachurch
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The consequences of the magnitude of such a broad scale world-wide implementation of a "new church model" cannot be ignored. It must be examined by the serious Bible student and Christian! It must be looked at in light of Bible prophecy. We must heed the warnings of both Jesus' own words when He walked the earth and those inspired by the Holy Spirit written later for our advantage in alertness of end-time events and trends. Not to do so would be perilous. So, I have prayerfully written 5 articles on this demonic phenonemonen with hopes they will help you to understand how serious this modern attack is on the true church of Christ - Articles on the Modern Church.
Walking Away From Our Dreams
Walking Away From Our Dreams In the closing scene from the movie: Finding Forrester, starring Sean Connery, produced in the year 2000, Jamal, the young protégée heir of the author, William Forrester, reads an unexpected letter he received from his friend and mentor following his death. Forrester had lived for decades in seclusion in the same Brooklyn neighborhood housing projects as Jamal following the great success of Forrester's only published book, his first when much younger: Avalon Read entire article
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