In His Presence

Prayer Meditation 12
Prayer In The Spirit, From Soul To Savior, Is Sublime!

It is ecstasy beyond imagination. Communication transcends the spoken. Spirit to spirit. Instant and complete. A knowing look. An understanding touch. A sense of completion without distraction. Wills becoming one. Harmony achieved. The soul is carried to new heights each time entered into His presence, never to be disappointed from having come, yet instilling a desire to return again, and again, and again.

When two wills become one. Total submission of yours to His. Thus, harmony achieved and action in concert. His strength engulfing yours, accomplishing what you alone cannot! Together as one—so was the Father and Son! To be like Him in unity with the Father, your heart's soul desire—two hearts yearning for union, yours and His! (Jn.17:22-23)
"Father, make us one!"