In His Presence

Prayer Meditation 17
When Approaching The Father's Throne In Prayer, See All The Hosts Of Heaven Silenced By His "Shh" In Anticipation Of Hearing You Speak.

There is, therefore, no need to shout when a simple whisper will suffice; and your words will resound in heaven's hushed silence. Magnification and modulation will be controlled by their cooperation and the Spirit's desire, as you yield to His dictation. There are those moments in worship when the soul's pent up need for expression can be released with only a whisper for total exultation. Words such as: "Father," "Jesus," "Glory," "Amen," "Saviour," "Master," "Lord," etc. Sometimes repeated twice, three times, in decreasing intonation, and finally a faint prolonged prayerful whisper—and the soul settles at rest again, to await the Spirit's quickening touch anew. The mysteries of the Master's touch and how the soul dances at His direction!

A Minuet For The Master And His Pleasure.
"Father, may my soul on each approach bring you such pleasure in your presence that when I leave, you, as well as I, are refreshed and glad I came."