In His Presence

Prayer Meditation 6
Personal Prayer Most Often Seeks To Satisfy Some Selfish Need In The Petitioner!

Asking amiss, as taught by James, is simply one at the center and object of his or her own prayer. God is seen as nothing more than a servant and man the master, He a "genie in a bottle" and we the recipient of His obedience to our wishes, to be consumed upon our selfish ways. Until God is made both the center and object of one's prayers, and it is to His greater Glory and benefit our requests are formed (Jn.14:13), our prayers will always miss their mark! The object of your desire in prayer should be His presence, and the benefit of His presence is His hearing and answering your request. If it is His face you seek, He will give you the desire of your heart (Ps.37:4). And the desire of your heart will be such as not to bring shame to His name, but added glory to His greatness.

To Pray Simply To Seek His Face, Enter His Presence, And Receive His Grace. He Knows Your Need Before You Come. And Your Need Is There To Turn You Into His Presence.
"Father, though my heart is heavy from life and its burdens I bear, my greatest need is the peace I receive from your presence when I come to you in prayer."