In His Presence

Practical Suggestions For Prayer   Practical Suggestions For Prayer
  • See Each Day As A New Creation Unfolding As On A Scroll Only NOW In Time For The Benefit of You In It Today. (Ps.118:24; 90:12,14; 145:2; Mat.6:34)
  • Guard Your Tongue Early.
    Js.3:11 - A well cannot produce both bitter and sweet water.
    Mt.15:18 - It is what comes out of one that defiles him or her.
    A loose word let slip from the lips will diminish the power of all that follows throughout the remainder of the day.
  • Begin Prayer Before Dawn (Early).
    (Ps.5:2-3; 88:13; Gen.19:27; 28:18; Ex.24:4; 34:4; Job 1:5; Mk.1:35)
    A day begun before the sun in prayer will always cause the Light to rise and shine brighter in the heart of the petitioner.
  • Realize That HE is Within You, In Every Breath You Take—That Near!
    (Rev.3:20; Jn.14:20,23; Ro.10:8; Deu.30:10-14)
    God is so near He can hear even the most silent whisper of the faintest pulse of the weakest heart! (I Sam.1:12-20)
  • Approach Him With Joy and Praise, Confident In Your Position As An Heir, Not A Poor Beggar! (Rom.8:16-17; Heb.4:14-16; I Jn.5:14-15)
    Do not beg for your blessing. Simply and confidently request what is rightfully yours.
  • Decide To Pray With Your Very Life! Pray Earnestly! (Lk.22:44; II Co.5:2; Js.5:17)
    Only a life lost to self in prayer can gain a glimpse of the Heavenly in the NOW!
    (Mt.5:8; I Co.13:12)
  • On Necessary Occasions, Prepare For Prayer In Study and Recitation of Scripture.
    Fastening of the eyes upon His Word opens the heart to receive His strength. Begin by reading it aloud, moving into praise for the truths read, later making the transition to your petitions, if you have any. Often-times the Joy produced in your praise will abate the need for your petition, especially if it was petty to begin with. (Ps.121:1-2)
  • Begin Prayer Slowly And Deliberately, Increasing With Acquired Strength As His Angels Minister And His Holy Spirit Intercedes.
    (Lk.22:43-44; Acts 12:5,7; 16:25-26)
    Thoughts will come slowly at first, then as the channel opens their speed will increase; Be prepared! Do not attempt to control them as they come through you seeking to rush upward. Pace yourself at first as a runner, until you lose every thought of self in the race. As long as you are aware of self in time, you have not yet moved from the material into the fulness of that spiritual realm. This is the difference between praying with the mind and the full spirit of the new man (Rom.8).