In His Presence

Preliminary Thoughts   Preliminary Thoughts
  1. A self surrendered in the silence of His presence is a soul at peace in Him who reclaimed it! The earth and its burdens no longer bind you and you are free to walk the stars, revel in His glory, bathed in His love. Time affects only the earthly, but your spirit is free to soar the heavenlies—and the hours pass quickly, while In His Presence! To journey where no mortal man may go: This Is Prayer!
  2. A moment of time spent in prayer is but a fraction of eternity lived in the now! See prayer as a portal through which one is transported from the temporal into the eternal. Move through it with confidence, without fear or trepidation, to be met by the Master and warmly welcomed into His Holy chambers, to remain as long as comfortable before being ushered out, with needs met, equipped again for service to others.
  3. A CAUTION:  God is not to be seen as the source of your pain, rather sin from Satan. God is the salve that soothes the soul sick from sin. Each one's suffering can be said to be from everyone's disobedience. Hence, if all were obedient there would be given no place for pain and everyone would prosper and God pleased. So, you are to do God's good pleasure in all your ways, that His joy in you might be full and that it might contribute to the good will of all humankind. Therefore, sin's pain and God's pleasure (Joy) cannot coexist in your life. It is your choice, which shall reign!
    AND SO PRAY: "Father, thy good pleasure be performed in my life at all times. Forgive my sins and heal my hurts that I and my fellow man, not you, have brought upon me."
  4. Prayers Prayed By One Without Knowledge of God's Word Are Shallow And Often Go Amiss. (Js.4:1-7)
    Prayer is the tool whereby our will is aligned to His. His Word is the glass through which we see, albeit dimly, yet sufficient enought to take hold of eternity in time
    (I Co.13:9-12).
    The astronomer looks at the day sky and points, "There and there, and over there!" because he has seen at night through his glass—He knows! He knows in the day when he can't see because he has seen in the night what his glass cannot show him in the day. (Faith in the unseen!) Jn.20:29
  5. His Word To Us Is A Lamp Unto Our Lives, And Those Who Live In His Word, Live In Light. The Light of His Word Casts Out All Darkness Where Fear And Death Dwell.
    (Jn.1:4-5; Ps.119:105)
    Ps.130:2 - "Lord hear my voice. Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications."
    Ps.130:5 - "I wait for the Lord, my soul doeth wait, and in His word do I hope."
  6. His Word To Us Is Complete With Creative Sustaining Power.
    (Col.1:16-17; Ps.139:14-18; II Co.5:16-17; Phil.1:6)
    Once begun, He never leaves a work unfinished. He is faithful to finish that which He purposes and begins.
  7. Prayers From The Heart Are Burning Incense Rising Into The Nostrils of God, Gaining His Attention.
    (Rev.8:3-4; II Co.2:14-15)
    Each person has a distinct incense God recognizes immediately. Each fragrance is as unique as the individual created being.
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